The video begins with a look at a group consisting of the player, Elma, and Lyn teaming up to fight monsters. The party is partaking what’s called a “Squad Mission,” where the goal is to take out various types of enemies.
The objective is to take out a certain number of monsters, and while you might not be fighting side-by-side with other players during this part, it’ll give you a sense of cooperation, as the number indicated under the monster type diminishes whenever a player within the same Squad Mission group takes a monster out.
Once any of the five objectives of the Squad Missions are met, by killing any of the five list of monsters, players can take on Squad Quests. These are closer to traditional multiplayer quests, where you and other members of BLADE can team up together for a quest.
Before going on a Squad Quest, players can sign up or recruit others at the BLADE Home. Keep in mind, that you can also take AI buddies like Elma with you if there aren’t enough members around, or you can simply make a party full of other AI members instead of players.
The Squad Quest footage starts at the 0:45 mark of the video. As you can see, the Squad Mission’s objective monsters has a “clear” marker on the far-left icon, so these players were able to get together to take on monsters together.
Upon clearing the quest, players will get different items, in addition to progress in the research of Planet Mira and conquests development. Squad Quests will also allow players to get on their Skells, and even take on giant “World Enemies,” which unlock after having enough progress in the conquest development.