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Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
Явно не графику История разработки полна интриг, скандалов и истерик.Выглядит ничем не лучше Wizardry 7 от 1992 года.
Чё там можно было разрабатывать 20 лет?
Яблоко в последний момент не пропустило СтимЛинк аппку
Чорт! Это совсем меняет делоОни пропустили, но потом удалили.
Типа нарушены некоторые установки Apple по контенту, создаваемому пользователем, встроенным покупкам и тп.We care deeply about bringing great games to all of our users on the App Store. We would love for Valve's games and services to be on iOS and AppleTV. Unfortunately, the review team found that Valve's Steam iOS app, as currently submitted, violates a number of guidelines around user generated content, in-app purchases, content codes, etc.
We've discussed these issues with Valve and will continue to work with them to help bring the Steam experience to iOS and AppleTV in a way that complies with the store's guidelines. We put great effort into creating an App Store that provides the very best experience for everyone.
We have clear guidelines that all developers must follow in order to ensure the App Store is a safe place for all users and a fair opportunity for all developers.
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