Сравнение мультиплатформенных игр

Mortal Shell - XB/PS/PC

  • PS5 runs at 1440p/60fps
  • XSX runs at 1800p/60fps
  • XSS runs at 1350p (reconstructed to 1800p)/ unstable 60fps
  • All have variable resolutions but usually stick to their max resolution
  • PS5 is the most stable 60fps, w/ minor dips
  • XSX also holds 60fps most of the time, but there are instances of screen tearing and more dips than PS5
  • XSS doesn’t hold 60fps consistently at all. Sits more in the 40-50fps range.
  • Series X|S have instances of texture pop-in
  • All graphical settings are the same on all 3 next-gen consoles
  • PS5 takes advantage of adaptive triggers
  • Load times are pretty much identical across the board
  • Patch is on the way to boost PS5 resolution to 1800p

PS5 in High Resolution mode and Xbox Series X in High Resolution mode both render at a resolution of 3840x2160.

PS5 in Normal mode, Xbox Series X in Normal mode and Xbox Series S in High Resolution mode all render at a resolution of 2560x1440.

Xbox Series S in Normal mode renders at a resolution of 1600x900.

FPS stats are identical. They are within 0.01.

Fidelity (60fps, higher resolution - dynamic of course):
XSS: 1440p
PS5/XSX: 4K - PS5 has a very slight resolution advantage with less drops. And I mean very slight.

Performance (120fps):
XSX: 900p - 720p
PS5/XSX: 1440p - XSX - XSX has a very slight framerate advantage with less drops.
All versions have a very stable 120fps, one of the best on consoles.

Basically, the PS5 and Series X versions are virtually the same.
- DF looked at the patch pre-release. And they were not able to test this pre-release version on Sony consoles, another video will happen later.

- The patch adds the missing level Ascension which was cut from the console versions and the original Remaster release.
- Patch also adds Classic Suit controls on consoles.
- A bunch of bugs like crashes, missing particles and visual tweaks also fixed. But some things are still missing on consoles (eg volumetric clouds in the Ascension level)
- This patch is still in BC mode, this is not a native next-gen port.
- Each version has 3 modes. Performance, Quality and RT mode. Next gen machines enhance these features.

- Series X Specific enhancements.

- Quality mode: Uncaps frame rate, targets 60 and max 2160p with DRS. By and large looks crisp but can give results at or below 1440p. It has minor drops below 60 FPS frequently, VRR / Freesync displays will benefit greatly for this mode.
- Performance mode: Locks 1080p/60 with only some minor momentary drops. The HUD resolution also drops to 1080p.
- RT mode: Bumped up to 1440p/60 with DRS. The performance is less stable than Quality mode. VRR helps maintain the slack but it has frequent dips in the 40 ~ 50 FPS range.
- DF recommends sticking to Quality mode if you have a VRR display, or if you're not sensitive to the minor FPS drops. Otherwise Performance mode. The RT mode is neat but the least performant version of the 3.

- Series S specific enhancements

- Quality mode: 4K/30 FPS. It does not hold steady, but the DRS is not aggressive enough so it has a slight judder almost all the time.
- Performance mode: DRS 1080p/60. Comparable to Xbox One X with V-Sync enabled. Doesn't manage to really hit 60 FPS target. VRR helps, but not quiet that much.
- RT mode: DRS 1080p/30 FPS. The most performant mode on the Series S. Sticks to the 30 FPS target pretty well.
- RT mode is the recommended way to play the game on Series S.


- PS5 RT: Looks native 2160p to the eye but is using checkerboard rendering. Hits 60fps most of the time.
- PS5 non-RT: 2160p CB (same as above), locked 60fps.
- PS4 Pro Prioritize Resolution: 2160p CB but looks worse the PS5 CB with less AA. Uncapped framerate, average of 36-39fps.
- PS4 Pro Prioritize Performance: Native 1080p. Hits 60fps most of the time.
- PS4: Native 900p, unstable 60fps (can dip into the high-30s sometimes based on the footage)

Load Times:

- PS5: 2s
- PS4 Pro: 30s
- PS4: 36s
Уже DLSS 2.1 используют :woot:

- In PS5 and Series X the Ray-Tracing mode is activated by default. In S Series it must be activated.
- Resolution is identical on PS5 and SeriesX. Both run at 2160p and, although it uses a checkerboard-like technique unique to RE Engine, the game seems to never drop below 2160p. S series runs at 1440p.
- In the Xbox versions the lighting seems somewhat warmer in the town area. Personally I find it more successful since the PS5 version sometimes gives a too blue tone. In any case, it is a setting that we can easily change on our TVs.
- Series X performs better than PS5 with Ray-Tracing activated, suffering fewer drops. Higher stress areas will have to be tested in the final version to better see the differences.
- In Series S, we have an average of 40FPS with the RT activated. I recommend playing without RT in this version, since we will get a practically stable 60FPS.
- The quality of the Ray-Tracing in global illumination as in reflections is identical.
- Loading times are slightly faster on PS5, about 3 seconds. Excellent loading times in all 3 versions.
- Same quality of shadows, textures and anisotropic filtering in the 3 versions.
- Longer Eyelashes on character models on Series X hmm..
-8-10% performance differential between Series X and PS5 in favor of Series X in RT ON mode in some scenarios, in other scenarios could be exactly the same drops.
-In RT Of all consoles deliver a locked 60fps
-In RT On Series S need a 30fps Cap

- Near field scene variety can rear its ugly low quality head when you're pressing right up against some surfaces.
- Most assets hold up very well.
- Volumetric and lighting is praised both indoor and outdoor.
- There is little interactivity with the greater environment outside of some marked breakable objects.
- The game includes a model viewer like the past few games which let you get up close with character details.

- RT support's cost seems 'reasonable'.
- RT includes reflections but resolution is on the low side, approx 1/8th resolution.
- RT occlusion shadows and lighting are praised as benefits.
- RT also improves interiors with local bounce lighting.
- The solution is cheap, but it is a nice touch with numerous benefits.

- Non RT mode targets 2160p using an excellent CB rendering solution.
- In Non RT mode. Both PS5 and SX consoles deliver 99.9% locked 60 FPS experience. DF did not encounter a single frame rate drop in their testing.
- Series S offers 1440p using the same reconstruction with great IQ and performance.
- Prone to some drops with some dips in the mid 50s.

- RT mode on SX and PS5 retains the same visual quality.
- Both consoles do a good job retaining 60 FPS in most areas. However some sequences can push both consoles hard to the high 40's or low 50's.
- Series X generally has a couple of frames advantage in stress areas. 7 to 10%.
- With a VRR display, these drops are negligible to the human eye.

- Series S with RT takes a huge tumble in performance, prone to drops even below 30 FPS.

- Xbox SX|SS have an approx 8 second load when loading a save, PS5 has 1.5~ second load in same scenarios.

- DF comments on the controller feature usage on both the DS and Xbox Pad. Rumble triggers etc are used.
- 3D audio is supported as well.
- DF also covers some basic HDR support tweaking.
- PS4 runs at a resolution of 1600x900p. PS5 at 1620p.
- There is a considerable improvement in loading times with times less than 3 seconds on PS5 and more than one minute on PS4.
- Some textures have been improved or added parallax occlussion on PS5.
- Some elements did not cast shadows on PS4, on PS5 shadows have been added for these elements.
- Post-processing effects have been improved (motion blur, bloom ...)
- Some elements (rocks on the ground or vegetation) have been decreased in the PS5 version. I am not clear if it is an artistic decision or by optimization.
- Reflections have improved their resolution on PS5.
- Both versions run at 60fps, more stable on PS5.

Biomutant is 4k60 on Series X


- The performance issues from the demo are significantly fixed on the Xbox consoles.
- Both PS5/Series X consoles have exact same visual settings.
- Both have reconstructed 4K with DRS.
- SX has higher base line resolution before reconstruction on average, but the difference is trivial (think 1728p vs 1800p)
- Series S has various visual settings tweaked. LoD, grass density, texture filtering etc are lower.
- Same stress area used above on SX|PS5 shows native 1080p w/ reconstruction to 1440p.

- SX doesn't budge from 60 FPS in same tested areas where it was routinely hitting 50 FPS in demo, without any visual downgrades.
- Series S also shows completely straight 60 FPS line in the final game.
- PS5 retains 60 FPS like the demo, so not much has changed there, minus one drop to 50 FPS in a stress moment.

Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition
