Платформенные войны (Споры, дебаты, прения)


Кстати, кто-нибудь ещё помнит насколько кастрированные и забагованные были оси каррентгена?
В итоге победителем выйдет пека, а точнее пека в форм-факторе консолей с геймпадом - стиммашинс (и ему подобные).
Кстати, кто-нибудь ещё помнит насколько кастрированные и забагованные были оси каррентгена?
Это три гея сами себе по мылу какие-то XB1-страшилки пуляют =))
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But our best sources don't expect that to have a huge impact on the graphics of games on both consoles.

"I think this is not going to be an issue in six months," one reliable game development source who is not affiliated with Microsoft or Sony told us. "It's just a bumpy time for launch is what it is."

This same source corroborated reports that multiple multi-platform launch games will launch running at a higher resolution on PS4 than Xbox One. Still, they don't expect any major, noticeable graphics differences to be long-term. They attribute this to gradual improvements made to the Xbox One hardware over the past year but more because they expect developers to overcome any headaches they're having developing for the new Xbox as they did with last generation's onerous PS3.

While we've not seen the games in action on finished units, two development sources have both told us that the scuttlebutt is true and that Ghosts runs at 1080p resolution on the PS4 and at 720p on the Xbox One. That's due to the power differential favoring the PS4's graphics processing unit and the ease of development on the Sony platform, they say.
Ну с BF4 еще понятно, но КоД в 720p? При наличии на Ване Райза в 900p как то все это странно.
Ничего странного. Там же написали - слишком сложно программировать. Никто не хочет возиться с непопулярной консолью. Была бы ПС3, еще куда ни шло, а это... =)
Где, кстати, видео из обеих версий?
Как же не привычно смотреть 60FPS видео. Ютуб просто обязан запилить 60FPS видео. Игры и ролики намного лучше выглядят.

У него телек вряд ли 720р поддерживает даже....
Даже еврогей увидел разницу в разрешении невооружённым глазом, без подсчёта кол-ва пикселей =)
While Digital Foundry has yet to see either next-gen version of Call of Duty, our experience with Battlefield 4 demonstrates that you can easily see the visual difference between them. The Xbox One version holds up well given the gulf in resolution, but it doesn't require a pixel counter to tell that the PS4 game is crisper and cleaner either. At last week's Battlefield 4 review event in Stockholm, we noted that the resolution change from one version to the next was obvious to many of the press in attendance, with some even suggesting on-site that the PS4 version was operating at native 1080p when its actual resolution was 1600x900.

The reality for Microsoft is that the raw spec differential it has battled against is not only borne out in what is arguably the most technologically advanced multi-platform game of the next-gen launch, but the gulf actually increases on a title that, on the face of it, isn't pushing boundaries to anything like the same degree.

However, the hardware make-up itself could be more troublesome for multi-platform developers in the longer term, despite Microsoft's outline of how the Xbox One tech operates and the theoretical advantages it chose to highlight. In our In Theory piece, we could only address the teraflop difference - we couldn't measure the impact of Xbox One's reduction in memory bandwidth, and we certainly couldn't factor in what was then the big unknown: the controversial 32MB of Embedded Static RAM (ESRAM) built into the Xbox One's central processor.

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