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Процессор у Вана кастомный, у него 48 операций за такт, у стокового Ягуара PS4 - 32
Про CPU бокса я тебе давал уже ссылки в теме про Ван. Про стоковый ягуар и 1.6Ghz в PS4 уже давно известно из pdf-ки Гаврил. Cerny про CPU ваще ничего не говорил, там и говорить нечего потому-что.У PS4 64 операции за такт, я уже тебе много рас говорил и приводил ссылки где сам Mark Cerny это говорит, но ты упорно про это забываешь и записываешь в угоду One.
Про CPU бокса я тебе давал уже ссылки в теме про Ван. Про стоковый ягуар и 1.6Ghz в PS4 уже давно известно из pdf-ки Гаврил. Cerny про CPU ваще ничего не говорил, там и говорить нечего потому-что.
Приведи цитату оттуда про 64 операции у CPUТы ослеп и оглох от фанбоизма?
Приведи цитату оттуда про 64 операции у CPU
Да ты давал:Я тебе уже раза 2 в разных топиках приводил, с интервалом в пару недель, ты ее постоянно игнорируешь.
Если что это у PS3 64 операции за такт, против 32 у бокса.
Ты похоже попутал лагеря, это на боксе стандартные 32 операции за такт, на PS4 сони доработали APU до 64 операции за такт.
Потом ссылку:С каких пор 48 в два раза больше чем 64? Твои же слова. Правда ты удалил свои сообщение уже.
В которой говорится о GPU, а я тут о CPU пытаюсь тебе вдолдонить, но ты меня не слышишь, это точно =) Я еще тебе тогда сказал, что ты запутался в своиз показаниях. А ты меня обвинил в том что "удалил" какие-то там сообщения =)The original AMD GCN architecture allowed for one source of graphics commands, and two sources of compute commands. For PS4, we’ve worked with AMD to increase the limit to 64 sources of compute commands — the idea is if you have some asynchronous compute you want to perform, you put commands in one of these 64 queues, and then there are multiple levels of arbitration in the hardware to determine what runs, how it runs, and when it runs, alongside the graphics that’s in the system.
We asked him whether other developers will be using the extra GDDR5 RAM and more GPU compute to churn better exclusive and multiplatform games on the PS4, to which he replied:
“Definitely. In this generation PS4 seems to be the console with fewest quirks – no embedded DRAM. Just raw power. Sony’s signature low-level graphics API may leave some developers with bloodied knuckles but also gives access to a lot more of its potential. This time PCs and consoles have more in common than ever before, making multiplatform easier, but this time people will ramp up effects for PS4.”
“Basically, the entire world of RESOGUN is built out of individual voxels. Using our custom toolchain we export the levels as large 3D textures, which are then loaded to our engine and polygonized on the fly to build the “centrepiece” of each level. The environments are all fully destructible (though we do mark certain cubes as “indestructible” to maintain some gameplay readability) so when an explosion happens nearby, the voxels of that part are detached and chipped away,” Krueger explains.
He further adds that “these detached voxels that you see in game are not just particle effects or point sprites; they are actual individual cube s, with their own geometry, collisions and physics, and each has its own lighting and casts its own shadow. All these cubes are fully dynamic and reactive, so for example when the player boosts through the cubes you will notice them being pushed away. Our engine supports up to 500,000 of these at any time, though in normal gameplay we rarely exceed 200k.”
Я давай жаловаться, а Рид говорит, поставь, мол, пак с текстурами на хдд и будет всё ок. Я поставил и сразу красивше стало, вроде как. Уже не так мыльно, практически как на 360 чётко. Честное слово! =)
Так оно и есть. У меня тоже мыло было, пока не установил текстуры на жёсткий диск.
PlayStation 4 is currently around 50 per cent faster than its rival Xbox One. Multiple high-level game development sources have described the difference in performance between the consoles as “significant” and “obvious.”
Our contacts have told us that memory reads on PS4 are 40-50 per cent quicker than Xbox One, and its ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is around 50 per cent faster. One basic example we were given suggested that without optimisation for either console, a platform-agnostic development build can run at around 30FPS in 1920×1080 on PS4, but it’ll run at “20-something” FPS in 1600×900 on Xbox One. “Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,” concluded one developer.
Microsoft is aware of the problem and, having recently upped the clock speed of Xbox One, is working hard to close the gap on PS4, though one developer we spoke to downplayed the move. “The clock speed update is not significant, it does not change things that much,” he said. “Of course, something is better than nothing.”
This is anecdotal from E3, but...
I've heard the architecture with the ESRAM is actually a major hurdle in development because you need to manually fill and flush it.
So unless MS's APIs have improved to the point that this is essentially automatic, the bandwidth and hardware speed are probably irrelevant.
For reference, the story going around E3 went something like this:
"ATVI was doing the CoD: Ghosts port to nextgen. It took three weeks for PS4 and came out at 90 FPS unoptimized, and four months on Xbone and came out at 15 FPS."
(by Peter Bartholow - CEO of Lab Zero Games - Guys who made Skullgirls)
В статье написали, что могут просто подгонять мультиплатформу под более слабую платформа и проблема решена
Процедурная генерация текстур и RAYTRACING(!!!) - будет БЫСТРЕЙ на XB1.Xbox One does, however, boast superior performance to PS4 in other ways. “Let’s say you are using procedural generation or raytracing via parametric surfaces – that is, using a lot of memory writes and not much texturing or ALU – Xbox One will be likely be faster,” said one developer.