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Нет. Никакой пошаговости и это вообще не РПГ. Это экшен-адвенчер как я понял.Poma написал(а):Подскажите Folklore пошаговая JRPG или нет?
Если точнее - ты используешь дух этого противника, который атакует так-же, как атаковал будучи живым, только в этот раз он за тебя дерётся.sosnovka написал(а):появляется возможность использовать ту же аттаку что и поверженный противник
While the whole world is occupied with playing the third Halo-game, Game Informer got the chance to get the first real news about Team ICOґs next generation game for Playstation 3. Instead of having some lukewarm chitchat we went home with material for a whole feature - this feature. After having created two such completely different experiences as ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, one could wonder where the next game would go. Fighting giants in HD? No, thanks god Fumito Ueda who we talked to chose another different, unique setting: The whole game is one gigantic, wide flat desert. Ueda described it as being like Death Valley (California), only being different in one department: It’s not really a flat area. That’s what it looks like when you’re hundreds of meters above ground. Actually, the whole area is interspersed with canyons. A lot of them, and all of different width and depth. The key of the game is, so says Ueda, to explore these canyons and find 'something'. What this ‘something' is will be revealed at a later time. Now, what is it that’ll make this game so special one might ask. Besides the breath-taking setting of this enormous desert with canyons all over the place, the way you explore those is what makes the difference: The main character will travel by utilizing a glider, which allows him to fly through the air. It’s not some high-tech glider, but seemingly a traditional glider, made of wood and cloth. What makes this so unique is that you freely, and we cannot put enough emphasize on that, fly around that desert, dive into these canyons and jump off the glider to run around without it. From what we’ve seen there’s never before been that feeling of flying around in the sky, combined with this scale of environment. One thing that returns from both previous games is the ability to climb. While diving into canyons you’ll have to climb back to the surface, having a glider and not a motor-driven vehicle. The information you read until now was exciting, and we should end this article with something exciting, as well: The working title of Team ICOґs third game is 'The Last Canyon'. Having seen how many canyons this game has we’re looking forward to find out more about the title’s meaning.
А в Питере даже Heavenly Sword еще нету
VaaN, есть на Юноне, но дорого. Его завезли мало, по рекомендованной цене сразу всё разорбрали. Сейчас барыги продают по 2600. Говорят, что есть в Гостинке (Всесоюзный?).
В санрайзе ХС у нас по 1500р,никто не берёт
а там как брать? есть магазин нормальный?
Только главное заказывать лучше не более чем 2 диска на одну заказочную карточку, а лучше вообще один. Тогда диски попадают на экспресс выдачу, в противном случае есть все шансы ждать часа 2 пока соберут заказ...Приходишь,через терминал заказываешь игру и ждёшь когда соберут заказ.Всё.