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Working assuming the Eurogamer Article is mostly correct with the exception of maybe exact clocks, amount of memory, and number of enabled cores (all of which could easily change to adapt to yields)....
The real reason to get excited about a PS4 is what Sony as a company does with the OS and system libraries as a platform, and what this enables 1st party studios to do, when they make PS4-only games. If PS4 has a real-time OS, with a libGCM style low level access to the GPU, then the PS4 1st party games will be years ahead of the PC simply because it opens up what is possible on the GPU. Note this won't happen right away on launch, but once developers tool up for the platform, this will be the case. As a PC guy who knows hardware to the metal, I spend most of my days in frustration knowing damn well what I could do with the hardware, but what I cannot do because Microsoft and IHVs wont provide low-level GPU access in PC APIs. One simple example, drawcalls on PC have easily 10x to 100x the overhead of a console with a libGCM style API....
I could continue here, but I'm not, by now you get the picture, launch titles will likely be DX11 ports, so perhaps not much better than what could be done on PC. However if Sony provides the real-time OS with libGCM v2 for GCN, one or two years out, 1st party devs and Sony's internal teams like the ICE team, will have had long enough to build up tech to really leverage the platform.
I'm excited for what this platform will provide for PS4-only 1st party titles and developers who still have the balls to do a non-portable game this next round....
Working here assuming the Eurogamer Article is close to correct. On this platform I'd be concerned with memory bandwidth. Only DDR3 for system/GPU memory pared with 32MB of "ESRAM" sounds troubling....If this GPU is pre-GCN with a serious performance gap to PS4, then this next Xbox will act like a boat anchor, dragging down the min-spec target for cross-platform next-generation games.
My guess is that the real reason for 8GB of memory is because this box is a DVR which actually runs "Windows" (which requires a GB or two or three of "overhead"), but like Windows RT (Windows on ARM) only exposes a non-desktop UI to the user. There are a bunch of reasons they might ditch the real-time console OS, one being that if they don't provide low level access to developers, that it might enable a faster refresh on backwards compatible hardware. In theory the developer just targets the box like it was a special DX11 "PC" with a few extra changes like hints for surfaces which should go in ESRAM, then on the next refresh hardware, all prior games just get better FPS or resolution or AA. Of course if they do that, then it is just another PC, just lower performance, with all the latency baggage, and lack of low level magic which makes 1st party games stand out and sell the platform.
Прикольно наверно по слухам такие далеко идущие выводы делатьМысли вслух создателя FXAA и др. фишек
На приставках (включая и последние консольки XB360 с PS3) всегда был доступ к "металлу". На PC будьте добры действовать в пределах фрэймворков, дабы не развалить систему.ble on the GPU. Note this won't happen right away on launch, but once developers tool up for the platform, this will be the case. As a PC guy who knows hardware to the metal, I spend most of my days in frustration knowing damn well what I could do with the hardware, but what I cannot do because Microsoft and IHVs wont provide low-level GPU access in PC APIs.
Это еще бабушка надвое сказала. Не подскажите почему миллиардеры лысые, а врачи-ольфталмологи в очках ходят? Вроде одни могли себе волосы вырастить, другие операцию на глазах сделать. Не делают. Почему до сих пор на PC не используют GDDR5 в качестве системной? Правильно - проблема в ее огромной LATENCY. Она хорошо перемещает большие объемы данных с огромной скоростью, но быстро заткнется на обычных процессорных задачах. Игра это не только перенос больших объемов текстур и др, игра это еще и AI, физика, ветвящиеся алгоримы и решение диффернциальных уравнений. Думаю, что Майки работают в очень тесном контакте с разрабами и делают именно то, что им нужно. XBOX360 уже показал это, все в один голос хвалили его простоту, продуманность архитектуры и удобство средств разработки (чего я не слышал про PS3). Даже если бокс720 будет слабей, разрабы будут ориентироваться на наименьший общий делитель (как и было в этом поколении с PS3) - никто ничего особо не потерял.On this platform I'd be concerned with memory bandwidth. Only DDR3 for system/GPU memory pared with 32MB of "ESRAM" sounds troubling....
Неа, реалист =)dimm, xbox defence force?
FXAA это вообще дерьмище, а не сглаживание. Красиво выглядит только на рекламных картинках. В играх отстойно.я как понял, этот fxaa является каким о обрезанным обычным аа для консолей
Ну есть ещё вариант, что некоторые разработчики слишком криворуки и не могут полноценно заюзать ФХАА.Wendigo, ну фиг знает, довольно сложно отличить FXAA + MSAA2 от MSAA 8 По крайней мере в 1920 разрешении на 24 монике
Custom implementation of AMD Fusion APU Arquitecture (Accelerated Processing Unit)
Provides good performance with low power consumtion
Integrated CPU and GPU
Considerably bigger and more powerful than AMD’s other APUs
Orbis contains eight Jaguar cores at 1.6 Ghz, arranged as two “clusters”
Each cluster contains 4 cores and a shared 2MB L2 cache
256-bit SIMD operations, 128-bit SIMD ALU
SSE up to SSE4, as well as Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
One hardware thread per core
Decodes, executes and retires at up to two intructions/cycle
Out of order execution
Per-core dedicated L1-I and L1-D cache (32Kb each)
Two pipes per core yield 12,8 GFlops performance
102.4 GFlops for system
GPU is based on AMD’s “R10XX” (Southern Islands) architecture
DirectX 11.1+ feature set
Liverpool is an enhanced version of the architecture
18 Compute Units (CUs)
Hardware balanced at 14 CUs
Shared 512 KB of read/write L2 cache
800 Mhz
1.843 Tflops, 922 GigaOps/s
Dual shader engines
18 texture units
8 Render backends
UPDATE: some people is confused about the GPU, here you have more info about it:
Each CU contains dedicated:
- ALU (32 64-bit operations per cycle)
- Texture Unit
- L1 data cache
- Local data share (LDS)
About 14 + 4 balance:
- 4 additional CUs (410 Gflops) “extra” ALU as resource for compute
- Minor boost if used for rendering
Dual Shader Engines:
- 1.6 billion triangles/s, 1.6 billion vertices/s
18 Texture units
- 56 billion bilinear texture reads/s
- Can utilize full memory bandwith
8 Render backends:
- 32 color ops/cycle
- 128 depth ops/cycle
- Can utilize full memory bandwith
4 GB unified system memory, 176 GB/s
3.5 available to games (estimate)
- High speed Blu-ray drive
single layer (25 GB) or dual layer (50 GB) discs
Partial constant angular velocity (PCAV)
Outer half of disc 6x (27 MB/s)
Inner half varies, 3.3x to 6x
- Internal mass storage
One SKU at launch: 500 GB HDD
There may also be a Flash drive SKU in the future
1 Gb/s Ethernet, 802.11b/g/n WIFI, and Bluetooth
Evolved Dualshock controller
Dual Camera
Move controller
Audio Processor (ACP)
Video encode and decode (VCE/UVD) units
Display ScanOut Engine (DCE)
Zlib Decompression Hardware
И что этого жирапукело все чтут? Ну создал одну игру нормальную...госспадя...В худшем случае Святой Гейб спасет нас всех.
Утек в сеть и внешний вид PS4:Orbis contains eight Jaguar cores at 1.6 Ghz, arranged as two “clusters”
Утек в сеть и внешний вид PS4:
ВстречайтеPS4Orbisновый топовый блю-рей плеер от Сони Некоторые считают, что и консоль будет выглядеть в том же духе