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Ролику то уже почти 4 года, Димм, стареешь и память уже не та?DF Retro: Metroid Prime - First Person Action Redefined GC/Wii
DF:Metroid Prime
Блин, а я слушаю, чего-то он пургу про вию и устаревшие эмуляторы гонит, а ролик-то старый оказалсяРолику то уже почти 4 года, Димм, стареешь и память уже не та?
За месяц до выхода Тетриса от Nintendo, Tengen (Atari) выпустил свою версию Tetris: The Soviet Mind Game:
успев продать до запрета около 100 000 копий игры. Некоторые считаю ее лучшей версией тетриса, она имела режим на двух игроков, более разнообразный геймплей. Ценится у коллекционеров.
-Source code for boot0/1/2
-Block diagram/datasheets for every system component & Verilog for AES/SHA
-Documents from BroadOn describing feature planning and implementation + APIs + docs for internal software
-Source code for IOS (IOS is the Wii Operating System)
-Planning docs for implementation of the system from 2004-2006
-some wii sdk library source code (DVD, EXI)
-source code and info on manufacturing and publishing systems
-some misc. nintendo stuff (internal WPAD SDK from 2005, Wii Overview from RVL_SDK 1.0)
-"sdboot", a special manufacturing version of boot2 which loads data from the SD card; is very buggy and likely exploitable for boot2 code execution on all Wiis (it is retail signed)
-gamecube and ique stuff as well (internal gamecube docs including physical disc layout, massive 2GB+ iQue dump including full CVS for that as well)
Debug Builds of Blue and Yellow
Source code for Blue and Yellow
Japanese Debug Builds of G/S
Symbol Map for Crystal.
G/S Source code
Spaceworld '99 demos
Official GameBoy emulator
Internal lists that list everything released (including unreleased ones) for all Nintendo systems up to the DS
Gen 7 debug builds, official 3DS legality checkers, a O-Power distribution CIA and a VC Mew distrubtion CIA
Source code for the N64, Gamecube and Wii
- Extract the entire Pikmin ISO onto a folder on your computer.
- Get a copy of MSVCRTD.DLL, very carefully search around the internet for one of the following versions:
- 6.0.8168.8 (md5: 2760781da57e727ba519af0139b4b1bc)
- 6.0.8797.0 (md5: 01c72cfcaaed3a7564e5b893b7712d28)
- 6.0.9782.0 [SP6] (md5: 65f232ae50755a6fbf72dac2977a118f)
- Place MSVCRTD.DLL on the same folder as sysBootup.exe.
- Create a shortcut to sysBootup.exe, then edit its properties, and on the "Shortcut" tab of the properties, add " +output +plugins plugins +client PikiGame" (no quotes, leading space included) after everything on the "Destination" box.
- Run the shortcut.