Page Time: 0.2266s

Memory: 5.3904 MB (Peak: 6.0065 MB)

Queries (33, time: 0.0914s, 40.3%)

  1. SELECT cache_value
    FROM xf_permission_combination
    WHERE permission_combination_id = ?
    Params: 1
    Run Time: 0.000299
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  2. SELECT thread.*
    		user.gender, user.avatar_date, user.gravatar,
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    FROM xf_thread AS thread
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    			(user.user_id = thread.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN ns_threadrating_rate AS rate ON (rate.thread_id = thread.thread_id)
    WHERE thread.thread_id = ?
    Params: 19809
    Run Time: 0.001036
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLErateconstPRIMARYPRIMARY4const0Unique row not found
  3. SELECT node.*, forum.*
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    		NULL AS forum_read_date
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    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 45
    Run Time: 0.000713
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  4. SELECT post.*
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    		session_activity.view_date AS last_view_date,
    		0 AS like_date
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    			(bb_code_parse_cache.content_type = 'post' AND bb_code_parse_cache.content_id = post.post_id)
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    			(post.user_id > 0 AND session_activity.user_id = post.user_id AND session_activity.unique_key = CAST(post.user_id AS BINARY))
    WHERE post.thread_id = ?
    	 AND (post.position >= 40 AND post.position < 60) 
    	AND (post.message_state IN ('visible'))
    ORDER BY post.position ASC, post.post_date ASC
    Params: 19809
    Run Time: 0.004079
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEpostrangethread_id_post_date,thread_id_positionthread_id_position8 20Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort
    SIMPLEbb_code_parse_cacheeq_refcontent_type_idcontent_type_id31const, where 
    SIMPLEsignature_parse_cacheeq_refcontent_type_idcontent_type_id31const, where,func1Using where
  5. INSERT DELAYED INTO xf_thread_view
    Params: 19809
    Run Time: 0.002944
  6. INSERT INTO xf_session_activity
    	(user_id, unique_key, ip, controller_name, controller_action, view_state, params, view_date, robot_key)
    	(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
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    	view_state = VALUES(view_state),
    	params = VALUES(params),
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    Params: 0, 4(, 4(, XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread, Index, valid, thread_id=19809&page=3, 1717031122,
    Run Time: 0.000355
  7. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 547522, a:1:{i:0;s:115:"Офигеть!!! Потрясно!!! Я в 13 платину открыл, теперь эту очень жду!";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.002460
  8. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 547538, a:3:{i:0;s:98:"И уже на инглише трейлер, оперативно работают , ждём-с ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:1:"b";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:3:"[b]";i:1;s:4:"[/b]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"Tidus";}}i:2;s:95:", а я надеюсь на одновременный релиз на всех языках :)";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000929
  9. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
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    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 547555, a:1:{i:0;s:96:"Выпускайте игру на Вии Ю, я тоже буду небезразличен :)";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.002252
  10. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 4, a:2:{i:0;s:58:"vova: Versatile Online Violence Android SW 6368 9221 0229 ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"img";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[IMG]";i:1;s:6:"[/IMG]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:45:"";}}}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000359
  11. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 547609, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:32:"Хеймдалль, post: 547508";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:42:"[quote="Хеймдалль, post: 547508"]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:152:"Очень радует что всем глубоко по№уй, на трейлер и на игру. Ну кроме пары маргиналов.";}}i:1;s:473:" Да я просто посты набиваю))) Мне вообще серия не особо нравится, в 12 только с удовольствием играл. Ну и чуть-чуть в 10, но рандомные бои так затрахали, что бросил. Хотя эти две финалки попробовать бы хотел. Чего не отнять у 13 и 13-2, так это шикарной (для жрпг) графики.";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.002940
  12. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 4889, a:1:{i:0;s:219:""И в какой-то момент игрок понимает, что не ест, а сосет. Как-то так." (с) Medeival "Волосы были от АМД, поэтому и глючные." (с) Каин";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000505
  13. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548064, a:4:{i:0;s:661:"Yoshinori Kitase немного рассказал о технической части игры. На этот раз силиконовых роликов будет значительно меньше, большинство кат-сцен будет сделано на движке игры, и качество в обоих версиях будет одинаковое. Немногочисленные видео заставки на боксе будут похуже из-за компресии. Предположительно игра выйдет на 3 (или 4!) дисках для X360. Порадовали эти его слова: ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:7:"[QUOTE]";i:1;s:8:"[/QUOTE]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:81:"For a game that's supposed to be using less cinematics, that's a lot of gameplay.";}}i:2;s:1:" ";i:3;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"url";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[url]";i:1;s:6:"[/url]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:105:"";}}}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.005904
  14. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 3212, a:1:{i:0;s:17:"There only be ONE";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.002060
  15. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
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    Params: post, 548071, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:18:"dimm, post: 548064";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:28:"[quote="dimm, post: 548064"]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:81:"For a game that's supposed to be using less cinematics, that's a lot of gameplay.";}}i:1;s:78:" Коридор на две секции длинней будет, hooraaay!";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000936
  16. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 1568, a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"url";s:6:"option";s:21:"";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:29:"[URL='']";i:1;s:6:"[/URL]";}s:8:"children";a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"img";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[IMG]";i:1;s:6:"[/IMG]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:52:"";}}i:1;s:1:" ";}}}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.002193
  17. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548283, a:4:{i:0;s:258:"Игра станет гораздо менее линейной, чем 13 часть. Теперь к следующей сюжетной точки можно идти разными путями:) Будет мини-игра, какой-то паззл ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:1:"b";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:3:"[B]";i:1;s:4:"[/B]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:15:"Beyond the Void";}}i:2;s:72:". Изменения коснуться и боевой системы. ";i:3;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"url";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[url]";i:1;s:6:"[/url]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:76:"";}}}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.015299
  18. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548292, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:18:"dimm, post: 548283";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:28:"[quote="dimm, post: 548283"]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:198:"Игра станет гораздо менее линейной, чем 13 часть. Теперь к следующей сюжетной точки можно идти разными путями";}}i:1;s:182:" Т.е. вместо коридора дадут полноценные просторные локации? Возможно, игра ещё не потеряна для меня.";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000335
  19. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548293, a:7:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:18:"dimm, post: 548283";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:28:"[quote="dimm, post: 548283"]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:70:"Впервые в серии будут разные концовки!";}}i:1;s:159:" FF X-2 разве не было? На гафе вся инфа собрана воедино, пока (почти) всё отлично выглядит :) ";i:2;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"url";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[url]";i:1;s:6:"[/url]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:51:"";}}i:3;s:18:" Особенно ";i:4;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:7:"[QUOTE]";i:1;s:8:"[/QUOTE]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:1096:"- Defeating foes in combat wins the player the crystals that can be used to summon monsters in combat. Each has it's own unique role. expect around 200 ally monsters in the game. - NPC interaction, helping with the quest, examples: One man assured us that Atlas is not a deadly fal'cie. (Atlas is the boss in the e3 demo) Alyssa (the girl in the trailer) claims to know a way to control it. - maps are branched, several ways leading to various locations •While still a deeply story-driven game, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 has a higher emphasis on giving the player choices to make throughout the game. More branching paths, more hidden secrets, more exploration. •Level design sees you returning to unlocked environments to access hidden areas as the game progresses. •A self-contained story set after the events of FINAL FANTASY XIII. XIII-2’s story will be darker and more mysterious. •All-new playable characters (Serah and Noel), plus the return of fan favourites from FINAL FANTASY XIII. •The return of the much loved Moogle. A treasure hunter at heart, he will seek out hidden chests.";}}i:5;s:35:" А вот это не очень ";i:6;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:7:"[QUOTE]";i:1;s:8:"[/QUOTE]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:165:"rap music >_> (неужели безумный Uematsu надоумил?) DLC was planned from the beginning of development, will expand the story. How many unknown.";}}}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000335
  20. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548295, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:22:"Каин, post: 548293";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:32:"[quote="Каин, post: 548293"]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:32:"FF X-2 разве не было?";}}i:1;s:42:" Были :) Убрал из текста.";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000279
  21. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548299, a:3:{i:0;s:286:"Ну в FF X-2 основная концовка-то в принципе одна была, просто при определенных условиях к ней добавлялись дополнительные сцены. Тут же будут абсолютно разные. ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:20:"Nergal, post: 548292";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:30:"[quote="Nergal, post: 548292"]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:72:"Возможно, игра ещё не потеряна для меня.";}}i:2;s:378:" Плюсану. Хотя на здешнюю боёвку и автобой совершенно не стоит. Надеюсь хоть характеристик у персонажей добавят, а то двух характеристик как-то маловато для рпг. Про сюжет я не говорю - его уже мало что спасёт.";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000488
  22. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 7214, a:1:{i:0;s:222:"PSX SCPH 5500 (non-modded) PS2 SCPH 50000 MB/NH (non-modded) FMCB 1.8c Multi-Region + 120GB HDD PS2 SCPH 37000 L FMCB 1.94 PS3 CECH2500A Rogero 4.55 PS4 CUHJ-10000/CUH-1000A PSPJ20003 8GB Lexar ProDuo PSV PCH1000 ZA01 16GB";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.001609
  23. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548310, a:1:{i:0;s:232:"мне в демке на Е3 гг новый понравился, на Тидуса похож, так что жду, хотя первую часть не осилил, на последнем боссе остановился...";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.012826
  24. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 3281, a:1:{i:0;s:129:""Истинное искусство расцветает в мгновение и увядает навсегда..." (c)Deidara";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000470
  25. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    Params: post, 548462, a:2:{i:0;s:63:"4 клипчика из игры, сделанных Gamespot: ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"url";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[url]";i:1;s:6:"[/url]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:85:"";}}}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.005325
  26. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
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    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 548486, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:18:"dimm, post: 548462";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:28:"[quote="dimm, post: 548462"]";i:1;s:8:"[/QUOTE]";}s:8:"children";a:2:{i:0;s:64:"4 клипчика из игры, сделанных Gamespot: ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"url";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[url]";i:1;s:6:"[/url]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:85:"";}}}}i:1;s:180:" По крайней мере, разветвлением карта уже напоминает фф12. Хоть какая-то работа над ошибками идет :).";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.002191
  27. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
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    Params: post, 548522, a:1:{i:0;s:164:"Выглядит как DLC к 13ой части. Боевка один в один, мобы. Мда, оригинальности что-то не заметно.";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
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    Params: post, 548591, a:1:{i:0;s:57:"Рапортуют, что игра готова на 70%";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
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    Params: post, 548867, a:4:{i:0;s:126:"СквЕникс рассматривает возможность выпуска чего-то из серии FF на WiiU. ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:7:"[QUOTE]";i:1;s:8:"[/QUOTE]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:158:"“But after seeing Wii U revealed at Nintendo’s conference, we are now considering the possibilities of bringing the Final Fantasy series to the format.”";}}i:2;s:1:" ";i:3;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:3:"url";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:5:"[url]";i:1;s:6:"[/url]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:109:"";}}}, 1701116101, 1717031122
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    Params: post, 549029, a:1:{i:0;s:2373:"Toriyama and Kitase Discuss Final Fantasy XIII-2 ON CHARACTERS Newcomer character Noel knows little about Cocoon and Gran Pulse, Toriyama noted, saying that he wanted to have Noel in a similar position to a newcomer player to FFXIII -- that is, someone who doesn't know about the world and story. As mentioned earlier, Lightning is a major character, but Noel and Serah, the two characters featured in the E3 demo, are main in terms of characters you control. Just in case you're doubting the central role of Noel, Toriyama's closing message in the interview was something along the lines of, while the strong female character Lighting was the draw of the previous title, XIII-2 features Noel, a cool male main character. During battle, Toriyama said to think of Noel as fighting in the front and Serah supporting from behind. Noel's job image is hunter. He hunts monsters in Gran Pulse. I assume you've heard about Serah's Moogle weapon already... ON THE E3 DEMO The E3 demo was like a digest version of two chapters with most of the story sequences cut out. When playing the game, you'll see how Noel and Serah meet. ON MUSIC The game's main musical component is from Masashi Hamauzu, the composer from the original FFXIII. They're doing an experiment where Hamauzu will retain the same feel of the FFXIII music while a different composer (Or possibly composers?) will work delivering a new world view. Toriyama said to look forward to the staff's announcement. ON MONSTER RAISING The game's new monster raising component, which lets you gather and bring monsters into your battle party, will give the game greater strategy, Toriyama said. There are Defender monsters, Attacker monsters and so-forth. There's also a growth element to the monsters. Sokuho's writeup says that your party can consist of at most three characters, including the monsters (this is different from some of the earlier leaks). However, you will also sometimes have one guest character come in. OTHER BITS AND PIECES Other points mentioned in the interview include: Your party members will move around town and get into conversations When it rains, people in town will gather under covered areas. The weather will have some effect on battle. There will be search/exploration element involving Moogles. The save system will in general be auto save.";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.010468
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    Params: post, 549051, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:7:"[QUOTE]";i:1;s:8:"[/QUOTE]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:57:"The game's main musical component is from Masashi Hamauzu";}}i:1;s:95:" Вот это радует. Музон в оригинальной фф13 классный!";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.003249
  33. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
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    Params: post, 549052, a:1:{i:0;s:257:"Однако то, что звучало в роликах 13-2, не очень радует. Очевидно, это тот самый рэп, про который Каин выше писал. Лучше бы они музыку не трогали :).";}, 1701116101, 1717031122
    Run Time: 0.000460

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