Мне PGR4 понравилась больше третей части,игра стала более динамичной и затягивающей с удовольствием прошел карьеру. Игра для двоих на одной приставке - без коментариев,до этого играли в форзу ,но такого удольствия ,как от PGR4 не получали. 10 из 10.
Это означает что лучьше все равно пока нет Разве что в Мото ГП Не знаю , я в лайве не играю, но думаю что вряд ли там что то новое
PGR Guide to playing online 1. When you get into a room, make your presence known. Breathe heavily through your mouth directly into the microphone, sing one of your favorite songs out of key, repeat each player's gamertag out loud (this shows you can read!), or just make interesting sounds (belching is a simple and effective choice). 2. As soon as you're at the line waiting for the start, open up the throttle all the way. Sometimes the races start without a count and you don't want to be caught off-guard. And if you keep it floored long enough, you can get your engine up around 12-13 thousand RPMs, which will give you a nice jump on everyone else. 3. The first turn in a race is always the most exciting. While people tend to try to race as quickly as possible for the rest of the race, the goal at the first turn is to see how many people can be piled into the outside guard rail. Just aim yourself at someone in front of you, floor it, and forget about the brakes and steering. It's simple and fun! 4. Sometimes during a race, you'll notice the lights on the back of someone else's car lighting up as they approach a turn. What's happening here is that they're signaling you to give them a speed boost. Really, PGR 2 is all about cooperation, so smash into them as hard as you can to help get them up to maximum speed. If you don't do this for other players, they probably won't return the favor to you. 5. Following a line through a turn is probably the most important part of racing. When you're close to someone else and you notice them following a line through a turn that intersects your own, sieze this opportunity to show them whose line is superior. Racing is not really about speed, it's about power, and when someone tries to violate your line, they're saying that they're stronger than you, that their line reigns supreme, that you ain't ****. Show them who the real bitch is. Stand up for your lines and NEVER let anyone cross them. 6. If someone does **** with your line, don't just take it like a little baby girl. Let them know what's up. The most effective method here is to use a whiny voice and complain about it for a good 30-45 seconds. Immediately follow this up with threats about how you're going to slam them into a wall, destroy their lives, win the race and then drive to their family's house to kill them in their sleep. It's best to really let your emotions go and get genuinely, frothing-at-the-mouth angry. Because there are important things in life, like racing. And you need to have your priorities straight! 7. If the race is getting boring, spice it up. Talk to your fellow racers. The one thing we all have in common is racing, so that's the obvious choice for conversation. And it's a very easy thing to talk about. Call out how many Kudos you have after each turn or section. Everyone has Kudos, so everyone can participate in the conversation. The intricacies of Kudos are endlessly fascinating, and someone having 1837 at a certain point in the track will be of interest to everyone because they will have a different amount! They'll think "why does he have 1837 Kudos there? I only had 1649.... Hmmm... I wonder what he did to get 1837 Kudos, and how could I replicate it??" Everyone's Kudos score is unique, just like each of us. 8. When you win a race, say something really gay like "YAY!" Or "HA HA I RULE." People give a lot of lipservice to things like good sportsmanship and conducting your life with a modicum of dignity, but they don't really mean it. Let your shitty personality shine. Don't mind the fact that everyone will see you won on the results board, they'll appreciate the information a lot more coming directly from your lips. 9. When in first, make sure to discuss how great you are and how much better you are than everyone behind you. When not in first, be sure to remind everyone it's because you can't get by all the scrubs in the "pack" or that some other guy is "raping" you from behind. Remember, you're the best and you deserve to be first every time. If you're not, it's someone else's fault. 10. If the game says "No Car Restrictions" you can simply ignore the fact that everyone else is using Saleen's or Mini Coopers. Simply grab your AR'd TVR Cerbera and show them how good you are. You can also respond to their polite requests for you to change your car with "I'll own you, you fag." (Whiny voice optional). 11. If your attempts to slam your fellow racers into the wall on the first few corners fail, you have two choices. Either quit out and find another game (your time is precious) or, the preferred option, whine noisily about how you had some wierd understeer problem and it must be a bug in the game. Shout long and hard about how, if it weren't for this tragic occurrence, you'd be wiping their asses with the hot exhaust of your AR'd Cerbera. 12. A note to future game Hosts! Everyone deserves a break once in a while, sitting in front of a television all day isn't good for your eyes. So, without disturbing your fellow races, simply disappear without warning for periods of 5 or 10 minutes between every race. Everyone else will instantly know that it's break time and can go off and make a brew. 13. Kudos Live Rank is by far the *BEST* way to guage someones skill level. Just because you're rank twelfty-three means you're way beyond that level 2 newbie. Let them know how good you are before the race and if, due to that wierd understeer bug they get in the lead then resort to rule #10. 14. Should you not come in the top 3 at the end of the race, use your minute fifteen wisely it's there for a reason. 360s are a great way to earn an extra couple of hundred kudos. Even when you only get 5 kudos a 360 keep doing it until there's only 5 seconds left to finish, there's no sense in wasting that time! 15. Voice masking. It's cool, it's funny. No-one's ever heard it before and it never wears thin! Use your break time in the lobby to go through each style in turn making it impossible for the host to start the game. It also makes it really easy to hear what you're saying! 16. Kick someone out of a room if they are not using a headset. Forget the fact that it may not be because they are being unsocialable, and could well be out of consideration that you don't hear their screaming kids in the background, or maybe they have a speech impediment or are deaf or dumb or something, but that don't matter cause you get irate at the fact that you think they are rude - so hell just kick em out! 17. When someone sets up a crap car race such as restricted to seat cupras, forget the fact that they may well be hosting a race purely for the few who actually like racing these cars and just hang about in the room complaining how rubbish they are and that you desparately want to race your favourite ultimate! 18. When someone comes into the lobby for the ultimate class race your hosting & their selected car is the Speed 12. Start verbally abusing them before they even have a chance to change it to something else. Accuse them of using AR..."Because platinums are impossible!" and tell them they are a little girl even after they change their car to the Koensegg. Then just before the race starts kick that AR homo out of your room 19. If hosting, don't forget that you are the only important person in the room. Everyone else should be honoured to hear your thoughts on the latest downloads for Rainbow Six, or whatever else you and your mate want to talk about. Make sure not to have this conversation during a race as others may become distracted by what they are there to do... race! Don't be put off by people dropping out of your lobby, they are mearly going into other rooms to spread your words of wisdom. 20. Remember you now have an audience of complete strangers who you will never meet. Sieze this opportunity to let these strangers know just how rock'n'roll you really are. Good topics of conversation include: Talking at length about how much weed you smoke and your 'underground' connections who have access to cool information or dodgy merchandise. You will make an impression on these strangers and they will hold you in high esteem. 21. If you are the host, be sure to drag out the time spent in the lobby as long as possible. Use this time to have conversations (either real or imaginary) with a friend or relative who is not playing the game. Do not even consider using mute. All the other players really enjoy listening to half a conversation.
После прочитанного тут я специально обращал на это внимание. Сегодня-завтра или выложу фотки с подтверждением или извинюсь.
Ну, собственно, что и требовалось доказать. locky2003, жду извинений за то что ты, не проверив всё до конца, обвинил меня во лжи. Это ссылки. Полный вес картинок где-то 800кб.
и что? если ты нашёл надписи без ошибок, то это не значит, что надписей с ошибками нет в другом месте. Например на трассе со стартом около Зимнего на дворцевой набережной, ошибки прямо на старте крупным планом показывают.
На первом screenshot-е слева внизу на щите ошибки, и сама фраза на рекламном щите огибающем угол дома на втором screenshot стилистически неграмотная. Она (фраза) мне напомнила огромный транспарант на Белорусской площади "Новая Yaris" - речь идёт о машине концерна Toyota. Да и вообще, напоминает всякие курьёзные случаи с фирмами иностранными, которые сами переводят рекламный проспект (а написанное в нём, какая-нибудь глупость или курьёзная фраза) и приходят сюда (российскую фирму или студию, не важно) с ним. Им объясняют, что так и сяк говорить нельзя, или это смешно, или просто неграмотно, те отвечают – нет, тъяк должнъё бытъ написъяно. И что поделать, заказ есть заказ. Так и выпускают. Ещё есть пример ближе к теме. Все знают фильмы Национального Географического Общества? Так вот, чтобы очередной фильм НГО можно было выпустить у нас на DVD, перевод должен быть отослан в соответствующее подразделение НГО и там быть одобрен. Так вот. Оттуда порой приходят ответы с "исправлениями", я сам видел примеры этих "исправлений" и должен сказать, что спасибо Пирамиде (которой сейчас, правда, уже нет), что та шла на встречу переводчику и без согласований и предупреждений позволяла сохранять перевод и наговаривать переводчику таким, как он его перевёл сам. В общем, такие вот издержки в конъюнктуре, господа . Не удивляйтесь. За граница знает, каким должен быть Ай-Си-Ай-сисяй .
Вот про это я и многие как раз говорили, на всех отбойниках с гербом написано САНКТ-ПЕТЕР6YPR . Вот тебе и ошибки , они были видны на скринах еще до выхода игры. Так что Лекс - ждем извинений.
Для тех, у кого проблема с памятью я напомню диалог: Я нигде в своих постах не утверждал, что на трассе нет надписей с названием города с ошибками. Я сказал, что правильных написаний города на трассе много, так что никакого разговора о торговой марке быть не может. На что Локи сказал мне, что я вру.
И что? Усеяна. И я это подтвердил скринами. Что ты там навыдумывал читая мой пост - это твои проблемы.
То, что не ВСЯ. А то, что ты не смог ясно выразить свю мысль - это уже твои проблемы.Телепаты в отпуске.
Что значит не вся? Скрины с начала, с середины и почти с конца трассы. Это как рассыпать по полу в комнате апельсины и лимоны, вперемешку, и сказать на вопрос человека где в той комнате апельсины?, что там вся комната завалена апельсинами, на что тот придёт и скажет - ты врёшь, там вся комната завалена не только апельсинами, но и лимонами.
locky2003 ты просто не понял Лексa, он акцентировал твоё внимание на том, что Санкт-Петербург не является зарегестрированной маркой и ни кто не платит никаких отчислений, и с этой точки зрения можно сказать, что действительно по всей трассе есть название города без ошибок
Да вас и "проводить", вы сами себя уже "провели". Держать меня за тупого, который осматривая всю трассу с фотоаппаратом в поисках подтверждения своих слов не видел кривой надписи Санкт-Пете..(чего-то там) - от тебя Феникс я точно такого не ожидал.