Forza Horizon 5
“Whatever dystopian credit factory this landscape eventually becomes, right now Mexico is another dream showcase for Playground and its ability to find a sweet spot between the manual and the automatic: a world that accommodates you at (and on) every turn, while constantly egging you on to do something completely out of character. This one’s for the fast and the curious. Whiplash or no, brace yourself.” [9]
Call Of Duty: Vanguard
“Each protagonist has a softly applied special ability (Nightingale’s litheness, Arthur Kingsley’s squad commands, Wade Jackson’s ‘focused’ auto-aim) and they all combine in the final mission, in which you fly between perspectives and the story toggles to ‘blitz’ pacing. It’s a glimpse of what could have been – as is the closing scene, which hints at storylines with the tone of Wolfenstein or Indiana Jones. But any suggestion of a sequel is premature. This is a treacly origin story for a crew we wouldn’t bet on seeing again.” [6]
Guardians Of The Galaxy
“Not that you can stray far – or that you’ll find much when you do. Guardians keeps you strapped in for the ride, and while it does dip once too often, the emotional highs outweigh the patience-testing lows. And in places it really is emotional: for all their squabbling, these Guardians have heart to spare, as both story and systems find ways to let this found family help and support one another. They may do their fair share of running around, then, but to paraphrase a certain Newton-Le-Willows crooner, it’s clear this dysfunctional bunch will never give up, let down or desert one another.” [7]
Shin Megami Tensei V
“While SMTV has a few worthwhile conveniences – it helps to be given fair warning that you’re about to approach a difficult boss, while Pillars encompass saving, fast-travel, shops, healing and the World Of Shadows, in contrast with Nocturne, which used different spots for each – it still demands saintly patience to endure its many battles of attrition, where every ability requires MP and restoratives are in limited supply. It’s disheartening when your entire party has used up all its MP on a boss that still has half a health bar remaining, though nothing is more demoralising than a game over that wipes all progress since your most recent save. We’re used to the sadistic designs of Roguelikes and Soulslikes in recent years, but even these encourage a one-more-go attitude; by comparison, being thrown back to the title screen will be a turn-off for many. The Atlus faithful who remember the anguish of Matador in Nocturne the first time will probably swallow their pride and press on, but newcomers who may confuse godhood with god mode are in for a rude awakening.” [7]
Age Of Empires IV
“It’s a quality RTS, then – though a few irritations sour the experience. The field of view is incredibly narrow, making the game feel slightly claustrophobic: a few more levels of zoom would have been welcome. Pathfinding issues occasionally crop up, with troops getting stuck on scenery or failing to find the fastest route to a destination (one throwback to 1999 we don’t appreciate). Speed controls in singleplayer would make some of the long, uneventful stretches in the campaign levels more bearable. And when soldiers clash, it evokes none of the brutality of medieval warfare, looking more like LARPers swatting each other with cardboard swords. Still, this is one of the finest realtime strategy games to appear on PC in some time, reviving a classic without being completely beholden to it.” [7]