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Судя по тому, что ты говоришь, RE умер еще с выходом 4 части.судя по "скрину" это уже полноценный шутер. РЕ умер...
On the topic of gameplay systems, Takeuchi admitted to the magazine that the hardest part of development so far has been in mixing new elements with part 4's basic gameplay. For the most part, RE5 will be played from a perspective similar to that of part 4, with Chris appearing on the left side of the screen. However, Takeuchi also promised a big surprise addition that he believes is an obvious evolution for the gameplay.
According to Takeuchi, if, after seeing the E3 trailer, you feel RE5 looks like RE4 now, you'll be left with a completely different impression following the next trailer
И когда обещан следующий трейлер?Ре5 не будет как Ре4 хоть идеи его прогрессируют ,сюрпризы будуть читаем
People at home really want to get hands on too. Well, let me just tell you all that the dev team has finished work on the demo.. that's it... it's in the bag... so now it's a case of Sony deciding when they feel is the best time to release it to PlayStation Network.
At Sony's PS3 Premiere shindig in Tokyo a few days back, White Knight Story was shown off some more. Revealed was news that the game's going to feature an extensive, Oblivion-like character-creation utility, requisite side-quests and combat with, or against, giant opponents. Best part, though, is the story, which drops all attempts at soppy, complicated sagas and cuts straight to what works: there are heroes on a journey to rescue a captured princess. Tried, perhaps, but it's tried and tested.
На PS2 была Quake 3 Revolution
LOL. Одиночный режим прохождения.