Switch Nintendo Switch

Тема в разделе "Switch", создана пользователем dimm, 17 мар 2015.

  1. -A-

    -A- Well-Known Member

    Скорее уж будет возможность портативные игры с улучшенной аппаратно картинкой на ТВ играть через базу. Делать два варианта игры это уж слишком. Сама нин может и замутит такое, но сторонние разработчики вряд ли.
  2. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    Думаю когда делали вию,мысль чтоб виюпад был отдельным хендхелдом,их уже тогда посещала,если вообще не была изначальной,но потом геймпад привязали к консоли,толи испугались опять своих инноваций,толи внутренней конкуренции со своей же 3дс,толи просто это дорого бы вышло....делать опять доведенную до ума вию,хмм...ну может быть они конечно созрели. Типа заменить сразу и вию и 3дс на рынке,одним махом...ведь они постоянно в послденее время,жаждили коннектить свои "геймбои" итд к стац.консолям )
  3. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    На реддите накопал "инфу". То ли от тестера, то ли от человека, имеющего отношение к разработке ПО для NX (саму приставку как я понял он не видел, и финального названия не знает, но имеет доступ к исходникам и тестит ось на предмет ее защищенности от различных иксплоитов через WEB морду, но саму ось в глаза не видывал). Все что ниже - непроверенная и неподтвержденная инфа от него.

    Вот отрывки его "откровений":
    На вопрос что такое NX - гибрид? Портатив и стационар? он ответил:

    Из основного заключаю:
    - CPU на ARM архитектуре
    - Material Design для интерфейса оси
    - Графика базируется на API Vulcan
    - Поддержка Google Fi (этакий симбиоз сотовых и Wi-Fi сетей)
  4. pharmchemist

    pharmchemist химик-сонибой Команда форума

    хехе, вот значит как будет выглядеть "поддержка" Ю) банальный стриминг)
  5. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    "Инсайдеры" после CES активизировались =) Ни чо не видели и не слышали, но фантазии...
    Nintendo gave me an indepth look on Nintendo NX at CES 2016!

    Nintendo NX is the Codeword for Nintendos New Hardware Family called:

    Nintendo TV & Nintendo GO

    From NES to WiiU and Gameboy to 3DS Nintendos Console- and Handheldsystems were completely different and separate business. With Nintendo TV & Nintendo GO this will change. It's not Hybrid, more like a Family of devices. They share the same OS and UI and it's easy to develope Software for both Systems, because they are compatible with Unity and other important Game Engines. Not every Game will be released to both Nintendo TV & Nintendo GO. Nintendo still will publish Handheld or Console exclusiv Games to make sure that no system is getting cannibalized.

    Nintendo GO:
    5" IPS Mulitouchscreen with a Resolution of 960×540 (qHD)
    Full GamePad Layout (A/B/X/Y/L/R/ZL/ZR/-/+/Home/Digipad and two clickable Analogsticks)
    Analog ZL/ZR
    Build in Microphone / NFC/ Motion and Gyro
    Slightly better than PS Vita (more RAM)
    MicroUSB for charging
    MicroSD Port with up to 128 GB (8 GB included)
    New Gamecards with up to 32 GB Storage
    Color: Black / White
    Release: September 2016
    Price: 199$

    Nintendo GO Launch Line-Up (from Nintendo):

    Diddy Kong Racing GO (Monster Games)

    Completly New Diddy Kong Racing developed by Monster Games the Racing experts that brought you ExciteTrucks.

    Super Mario Maker (Nintendo)

    It's a port from the WiiU Version with some new elements and themes. The two new themes will be Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario Land 2 Six Golden Coins. It will also introduce a Multiplayer Mode that we all know from the New Super Mario Bros. Series.

    Metroid Collection (Nintendo)

    It's a Collection of Metroid Zero Mission (Metroid I), Metroid II Return of Samus, Super Metroid (Metroid III) and Metroid Fusion (Metroid IV). The Collection keeps the 16-Bit Pixelstyle of the Metroid Games. So it's just updating the Resoultion and Controls of the Games with one Exception: The not so good aged Metroid II from the original Gameboy will see a complete overhaul in Graphics and Gameplay (similar to old NES Metroid's Zero Mission on the GBA).

    Nintendo TV:
    same x86 Architectur from AMD as PS4 and Xbox One
    Slightly better than PS4
    DDR4 RAM
    Disk Drive (own Blu-Ray like format similar to the WiiU)
    500 GB HDD (replaceable)
    Nintendo Pro Controller
    Improved WiiU Pro Controller
    Analog ZL/ZR
    Touchpad (as Touchscreen replacement (Nintendo GO))
    Build in Microphone / NFC / Motion and Gyro
    Micro USB for charging

    Color: Black / White
    Release: November 2016
    Price: 299$

    Nintendo TV Launch Line-Up (from Nintendo):
    The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)
    2016 is the 30th Anniversary of the "The Legend of Zelda" Series. The New Legend of Zelda Game will go back to it's roots. The Game is very similar to it's 30 Year old ancestor. The Gameplay is completly free and not liniear. You can go where you want and find the secrets hidden inside the Game for your self. Of course there will be Story but other than in the other 3D Zelda Games it will not be a linear Story, your choices what to do, will also influence the Story that you are experiencing. Because of it's tribute to the original Legend of Zelda, this Zelda will be the first one ever (since the original) that doesn't have an caption. It's just called: The Legend of Zelda! There will also be a WiiU Version of the Game. The Nintendo TV Version comes first and runs in a beautiful 1080p@60fps.

    Super Mario Universe (Nintendo)

    It's the First 3D Mario on Console Launch since the N64! It's an 120 Stars Super Mario with some of the Elements of 3D Land/World (small Mario etc.) Instead of a Hub World there will be a Open World Mushroom Kingdom to explore. There will also be Special Levels that you can find everywhere in the World with different Gameplay Mechanics vom various Super Mario Games like Sidescrolling Level, Galaxy Style Level and more. There will also be much more Story in the Game comparable with the Paper Mario- and Mario & Luigi Series.

    Metroid V (Retro Studios)
    After the Events of Metroid Fusion Samus is a renegade on the run, but the Federation shoots her spaceship down, so that she crashes on a unkown planet. The Game is First Person like the Metroid Prime Series, it's very dark and has a unpleasent atmosphere (almost like a Horror game), amazing lightning and reflections. The Scanning from the Prime Series is also back and Samus does not talk a single word!

    According to Nintendo, Nintendo TV and Nintendo GO on there own are already good, but together they are amazing. Here the functions that you get if you have both Nintendo TV & GO:

    Nintendo GO can be used as a Controller for Nintendo TV.

    When you use the Nintendo GO as a Controller for Nintendo TV you can use a second screen, but it's developers choice if they want to support it. Nintendo will support it with every game. For example: "The Legend of Zelda" shows you the Map of the WiiU Version's WiiU GamePad on your Nintendo GO.

    Every Nintendo TV Game can be played on Nintendo GO via OffTV Play. There a three ways to stream: 1). Directly from TV to GO. 2). From TV to Router to GO 3). From TV to the Internet to GO. That way you can play your Nintendo TV Games where ever you are (if you have a fast enough internet connection).

    You can also play your Nintendo GO Games on the Nintendo TV via OnTV Play. The Nintendo GO streams the Game to the Nintendo TV. The Nintendo TV scales it up to 1080p. Developer can choose if they support the Nintendo Pro Controller and Second Screen is also possible.

    Games that are both avalible on Nintendo TV and Nintendo GO can use CrossBuy, CrossPlay and CrossSave. It's developers choice.

    Nintendo has three Games in development that will use it:

    Super Smash Bros. 300% Edition
    It's a Port from Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and WiiU. It comes with all the content from the 3DS and WiiU Version of the Game including the DLC. The 58 Fighters will be supported by two totally new characters that are still a secret. So it's a total of 60 Fighters. Of course the Game will be Crossbuy (Download and Retail), it will also be Crossplay so for the first time ever Handheld and Console Smashers can fight against each other. And don't worry the Gamecube Pad Adapter is compatble with the Nintendo TV! Release: Nintendo TV Launch!

    Animal Crossing (working title)

    Animal Crossing is perfect for Crossplay. Play on the "GO" and when you come home you can continue to play on the "TV". For the first time the game saves automatically, so no resetting possible (poor Resetti...). The Mayor part of the last game, will be increased and also elements from "HappyHomeRoom Designer" will be included. The Game was originally planned for the WiiU but saved for Nintendo TV and GO due to the bad sales of the WiiU. Release is set for Summer 2017 in Japan and for Holiday 2017 in North America and Europe.

    Super Mario Kart Bros.
    With the Mario Kart 8 DLC Nintendo introduced Non Mario Characters for the first time in Mario Kart. Super Mario Kart Bros. will be a full flashed Nintendo Allstars Game like the Smash Bros. Games. It will not only feature Mario and his friends, but also Characters like Kirby, Link, Zelda, Villager, Captian Falcon, Fox McCloud, Samus and many more. The Game will see the return of Special Items for each character that we know from Mario Kart Double Dash!! Via Crossplay you can play the Game with up to 11 Friends. Kart Customisation will be increased and even personalisation will be possible. The Battle Mode get it's own Arenas back. Nintendo plans to expand the Game every year with 1-2 DLCs. Release: First half of 2017.

    CrossSave is done automatically like StreetPass and SpotPass. When TV and GO are in the same Room they synchronising automatically. They can also synchronise via the internet.

    Nintendo TV and Nintendo GO Game cases are red in order to stand out of the green and blue from Microsoft and Sony.
    Nintendo GO Games come in small cases similar to the Vita Game cases. Nintendo TV Games have the same formfactor as PS4 and Xbox One Games (BluRaySize), Crossbuy Games are called Nintendo TV & GO and use the slightly larger DVD Case formfactor.

    Nintendo is working together with the big Third Party Publishers (like EA, Activision, Square Enix, Ubisoft etc.) in order to get as many flagship titles of 2016 right to launch of Nintendo TV. They also want to achieve that all mayor Multiplattform Third Party Games that come 2017 and beyond will also be avalible on Nintendo TV.

    Nintendo want to use there own IP's to get exclusive Third Party Games for Nintendo TV and Nintendo GO. Together with Ubisoft they working on a Super Mario x Rayman Crossover in the UbiArt Engine.

    Nintendo also investing tons of money and support in their Nindie programm in order to get as many creative Indie Games as possible.

    Nintendo TV & Nintendo GO will have region lock, but only as a parental option that is disabled by default! So no regionlock!

    Games purchased in the eShop are bound to the Nintendo Account and not the device. However on every Nintendo Account only one Nintendo TV and one Nintendo GO can be registered . But you can edit your devices from the Nintendo Account Website, so that you can free your account from the device without support, even if the device is broken or had been stolen.

    For every purchased Game you earn Points, just like before with the Club Nintendo. New is an Achivmentsystem with that you can earn Points with playing. Achivments are similar to Puzzle Swap from the Nintendo 3DS Mii Plaza. Every Achivment opens up a Puzzle Piece of a Artwork or Animation. Got all Achivments of a Game and you can use the Artwork as Home Menu Background. The Points that you earn add up to a Score (Doesn't decrease if you spend points), it's like a RPG. Your Mii levels up and you can purchase Cloth and Accessories for it. You can also buy other digital goods like Home-Menu Themes etc. Or you purchase coupons for the Nintendo eShop. If digital goods are nothing for you than you can buy physical merchandise just like in the Club Nintendo.

    There will also be a cashback system that Nintendo is currently testing in Japan. For each 10 Dollar that you spend in the eShop you get 1 Dollar back on your eShop wallet. With this and My Nintendo, Nintendo wants to tie the costumer deeper to Nintendo TV & GO.

    Online Multiplayer on Nintendo TV and GO will still be free of charge! Nintendo TV & GO also come with a Party Voice Chat System and Text Chat is also possible. There will be a premium service called "Club Nintendo". Subcribers can use Cloudstorage to Backup Gamesaves online. They will also get free Virtual Console and Indie Games similar to the PS Plus and Games with Gold Games. Free Home-Menu Themes, Mii Gear etc. and also they can get new Physical Merchandise 24 Hours before normal users. Exklusiv Betas and Demos and eShop deductibles will also be possible.

    Virtual Console on Nintendo TV & GO will include: GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, N64.

    Only for Nintendo TV & GO together: DS and 3DS (3D with 3D TV possible)

    Pretty awesome what Nintendo got there! Iwatas last bomb will bring back Big N in a big Way! Thank you for everything! R.I.P Iwata!

    Дальнейшая судьба Wii U. В Китае...
    Since I don't have permission to make threads yet. There is a rumor going around dealing with Nintendo and the Chinese Market and how they are going to make a repurposed Wii U. Here are the details:

    The Wii U will not be put out to pastures new according to sources.

    It is rumoured that the launch console in new emerging markets will be a repurposed Wii U.

    Two launch consoles to include
    32gb game pad premium edition

    Game pad less 8gb basic edition.

    Rumoured launch titles include

    Monoliths remaster of xenoblade chronicles, Mario galaxy and Mario kart 8.

    This will prolonge the life of the Wii u internationally as it gives independent Chinese game developers access to the international market on a manageable scale.

    The estimated rrp of the basic console is in the region of $99.99
    With Wii sports HD bundled in.

    The console is supposedly to launch with Motion controllers Wii remote and nunchuck. The Wii u pro controller will also be available to purchase separately.

    Some of Nintendos smaller studios are handling ports.

    Nintendo are rumoured to be continuing support through 2018 with unprecedented partnerships with Chinese studios and Nintendo IP.

    The reimagined console is also rumoured to have 2gb of the internal memory reserved for developers and this could be used globally dependant on sales.

    With the NX around the corner and Nintendos promise to continue Wii u support this scenario looks likely.

    A statement is due at the next shareholders meeting with the console set to launch in time for the 30th Zelda anniversary.

    Nintendo is set to open Nintendo stores in key locations internationally and there is a lot of faith being put in the NX.

    Zelda Wii U is set to stay a Wii U exclusive however Nintendo have started work on a direct sequel to the new title which will see an international release in 2018

    It is rumoured that some NX titles will also launch for the Wii U if the hardware revision is successful and if a rumoured device also in development for the Wii U is successful extending the consoles life span and drawing back 3rd party developers.

    It is rumoured that Wii U sales have crept past the 14 million units sold which has sparked a recovery process due to the unique nature of the NX and Nintendo reportedly wanting to stick with the Wii U to the end.

    I have this information from a game studio who are in breach of a NDA releasing this information and so can't name the studio... Although I will say that they reportedly have a game ready for Wii U that has not been released and they have said as much.
  6. Captain Quasar

    Captain Quasar Well-Known Member

    Звучит очень реалистично по части железа.
  7. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    А по моему аффтар просто добавил то, что лично он хотел бы поиметь в приставках от N. Каким-то "доселе невиданным игровым экспириенсом" тут и не пахнет.
  8. Captain Quasar

    Captain Quasar Well-Known Member

    Ну это твоя точка зрения. Для N это может быть именно "доселе невиданный экспиринс". У них вообще что ни консоль или хэндхэлд, то "революция" в видеогейминге.
    Не успеем мы оглянуться как время до Е3 пролетит моментально и мы все узнаем. Чуть позже, в ноябре, она уже на и прилавках будет валяться, вместе с PS4 Slim и XBO Slim. Все три по 299 у.е.
  9. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    Ну он этого вобщем-то не скрывает ) и спрашивает,нравится ли эта концепция нам....мне нравится,но у нины могут быть свои видения на этот счет )) хотя народ подозревает,что в тексте все же есть кое-какая просочившаяся на CES инфа...многое выглядит,тамщемта реалистично.
  10. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Различная информация, связанная с NX, собранная на неогафе:
    1. Nintendo merged their handheld and console systems, now known as the "Integrated Research & Development Division" Or IRDD. This is headed by Genyo Tekada, the Senior Managing Director. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on Jan 31st, 2013


    "As you might already know from some newspaper reports, we will reorganize our development divisions next month for the first time in nine years. Two divisions which have independently developed handheld devices and home consoles will be united to form the Integrated Research & Development Division, which will be headed by Genyo Takeda, Senior Managing Director."

    2. Iwata's first mention of a new project that will feature unified architectures. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on Jan 31st, 2013

    "Last year we also started a project to integrate the architecture for our future platforms. What we mean by integrating platforms is not integrating handhelds devices and home consoles to make only one machine. What we are aiming at is to integrate the architecture to form a common basis for software development so that we can make software assets more transferrable, and operating systems and their build-in applications more portable, regardless of form factor or performance of each platform. They will also work to avoid software lineup shortages or software development delays which tend to happen just after the launch of new hardware.
    Some time ago it was technologically impossible to have the same architecture for handheld devices and home consoles and what we did was therefore reasonable. Although it has not been long since we began to integrate the architecture and this will have no short-term result, we believe that it will provide a great benefit to our platform business in the long run. I am covering this topic as today is our Corporate Management Policy Briefing."

    3. Another mention of the architecture by Iwata, and how he wanted to take advantage of what they've done Wii U's architecture but not actually reuse it. Also expressing dissatisfaction with the effort needed when porting Wii games to 3DS and 3DS games to Wii U as a reason to do this. Also mentions how when this happens. consoles and handhelds will no longer be different, but like brothers in a family of systems. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on Jan 30th, 2014

    "For example, currently it requires a huge amount of effort to port Wii software to Nintendo 3DS because not only their resolutions but also the methods of software development are entirely different. The same thing happens when we try to port Nintendo 3DS software to Wii U. If the transition of software from platform to platform can be made simpler, this will help solve the problem of game shortages in the launch periods of new platforms. Also, as technological advances took place at such a dramatic rate, and we were forced to choose the best technologies for video games under cost restrictions, each time we developed a new platform, we always ended up developing a system that was completely different from its predecessor. The only exception was when we went from Nintendo GameCube to Wii. Though the controller changed completely, the actual computer and graphics chips were developed very smoothly as they were very similar to those of Nintendo GameCube, but all the other systems required ground-up effort. However, I think that we no longer need this kind of effort under the current circumstances. In this perspective, while we are only going to be able to start this with the next system, it will become important for us to accurately take advantage of what we have done with the Wii U architecture. It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U, but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. When this happens, home consoles and handheld devices will no longer be completely different, and they will become like brothers in a family of systems."

    4. Iwata's comments about the above being compared to Apple and Android. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on Jan 30th, 2014

    "Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform. To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models. The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples. Whether we will ultimately need just one device will be determined by what consumers demand in the future, and that is not something we know at the moment. However, we are hoping to change and correct the situation in which we develop games for different platforms individually and sometimes disappoint consumers with game shortages as we attempt to move from one platform to another, and we believe that we will be able to deliver tangible results in the future."

    5. The NX is announced and is the codename of "a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept", with more information to be shared in 2016. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on March 17th, 2015


    "As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename “NX.” It is too early to elaborate on the details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you next year."

    6. Iwata also announced a new "membership service" that they're working with DeNA on that encompasses NX alongside Wii U, 3DS, mobile devices, and PC's and will form one of the "core elements" of the NX. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on March 17th, 2015


    "Nintendo, together with DeNA, will jointly develop a new membership service which encompasses the existing Nintendo 3DS and Wii U systems, the new hardware system with a brand-new concept, NX, and smart devices and PCs, and Nintendo will be the primary party to operate this new membership service. Unlike the Club Nintendo membership service that Nintendo has been operating, the new membership service will include multiple devices and create a connection between Nintendo and each individual consumer regardless of the device the consumer uses. This membership will form one of the core elements of the new Nintendo platform that I just mentioned."

    7. Iwata discussed about Nintendo "internally analyzing what hurdles exist" to the removal of region-locking for the NX. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on May 8th, 2015

    "My understanding is that it is not realistic on the existing video game systems because unlocking them after they are already on the market poses a number of hurdles. On the other hand, regarding NX, we understand that many consumers hold such opinions and such suggestions exist in the market, and although we have nothing concrete at the moment, we are internally analyzing what hurdles exist to lifting region locks. That is the situation right now. We acknowledge your request, and I personally want to give it positive consideration."

    8. Games-wise, originally Dragon Quest X and Dragon Quest XI were officially confirmed at the Dragon Quest XI unveiling event by the producer. However, Square-Enix afterward claimed this is only merely a "consideration". (Source of both quotes)

    Originally Posted by Yosuke Saito on July 28th, 2015 when announcing the games on NX


    “Dragon Quest XI, which we announced today, as well as Dragon Quest X, which I’m working as a producer, are planned for release on the NX, which Nintendo is currently developing,”

    Originally Posted by Square Enix on the NX versions being a "consideration"

    “Our press release contained the official statement that had been originally planned, and there is no reason to believe any changes were made mid-way to the content of the official announcement. The comment made during the event was not based on the official statement, so please allow us to correct our statement at this moment. We regret any confusion this may have caused.”

    9. Wall Street Journal reported that Nintendo has already shipped NX dev kits to certain 3rd-party developers, and that sources claim the NX will likely feature both a console and a handheld unit that can be used together or on the go for separate use, and use "industry-leading chips" after "criticism that the Wii U’s capabilities didn’t match those of competitors". (Source)

    Originally Posted by Wall Street Journal on Oct 16th, 2015

    TOKYO— Nintendo Co. has begun distributing a software development kit for its new NX videogame platform, people familiar with the matter said, suggesting the company is on track to introduce the product as early as next year.

    The kit is used by third-party software developers to modify existing games for the platform or create new ones. Videogame console makers such as Nintendo like to have popular game titles ready when they start selling new devices.

    The exact shape of the NX hardware isn’t yet clear. People familiar with the development plans said Nintendo would likely include both a console and at least one mobile unit that could either be used in conjunction with the console or taken on the road for separate use. They also said Nintendo would aim to put industry-leading chips in the NX devices, after criticism that the Wii U’s capabilities didn’t match those of competitors.

    10. The Nintendo Account system was announced. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Kimishima on Oct 29th, 2015


    "We are planning to introduce a new account system that connects all of these Nintendo experiences beyond platforms and operate a new membership service globally.

    It is generally said for any account system that more than half of people registering accounts quit halfway through the process. Every one of you must share the same experience of not being able to recall your account name or password when trying to log in.

    Accordingly, we have focused on making the new account easy to create or easy to sign up as well as easy to use, namely, it is harder for members to forget about it.

    Specifically, for our new account, you can log in with your Facebook, Google or Twitter account. Alternatively, you can log in with a combination of your email address and your password. Of course, you can continue using your Nintendo Network ID as well.

    The name of this new account system is “Nintendo Account.”

    With Nintendo Account as the basis, we will provide new membership services.
    Today, let me introduce you to a part of the service.

    Firstly, on Nintendo’s official website, you will be able to purchase digital download software for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

    When you find an interesting title after seeing articles or videos introducing new games through your PC or smart device, you can buy it on the spot, and the purchased software will be automatically downloaded to your Wii U or Nintendo 3DS.

    Also, in accordance with each member’s profile, purchase records and play records, we will send notices and gifts.

    For example, an Animal Crossing character called Isabel may send some information or a present to those who are playing with that game, Mario Kart players may receive a notice about add-on content and we may also send a message that enables the recipient to purchase some software at an attractive price point on his or her birthday"

    11. Topic 6 was addressing the recently announced My Nintendo membership service. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Kimishima on Oct 29th, 2015


    "We will start a new point program as well, which not only involves Nintendo’s dedicated game systems but also smart devices.
    With the Club Nintendo membership service that was ended on September 30, 2015, you earned points when you purchased software. With this new point program, you can earn points by playing games as well.

    Whether you have played the software for dedicated game systems or our applications for smart devices, you can earn points that can then be used on our dedicated game systems or on smart devices.

    Naturally, you can also earn points by purchasing software.

    With the new points, you can obtain digital add-on content, which will make the game you are playing even more fun, original merchandise or a coupon, which can be used as a discount for new software."

    "The name of our new membership service is “My Nintendo.”
    My Nintendo will work as a bridge between dedicated game systems and smart devices."

    I decided to stop here since the thread would be twice its size if I include stuff such as the patents and the rumors by insiders on GAF, plus the patents aren't all that certain to be used and were just dug up. I just want to keep things basically straight from Nintendo and in one case a developer and one other being a reliable article.

    These should hopefully fix the misunderstanding of what NX is likely to be. Hopefully Nintendo will lift the curtain soon enough.

    Edit: Instead of adding new points to the above, I'll just make a new section below.

    Thanks go to Toadthemushroom for Topic 12, and to thefro for Topics 13-17! Truly appreciate it! :D

    12. Miyamoto ponders making on game that runs on both a console and a handheld. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Miyamoto on June 23rd, 2014

    "But over the last five years we've seen that the range of devices that they develop for has expanded, so they're able to decide if they want to create something that is very high spec type of game or something that is for a lower-spec device. So I just think it's good to see the freedom of choice that developers now have.

    What I can say is, certainly, within Nintendo the fact that our development environment for our home console is different from the development environment for our portable system is certainly an area of stress or challenge for the development teams. So as we move forward, we're going to look at what we can do to unify the two development environments.

    So, particularly with digital downloads now and the idea that you're downloading the right to play a game, that opens up the ability to have multiple platform digital downloads where you can download on one and download on another. Certainly from a development standpoint there is some challenge to it, because if you have two devices that have different specs and you're being told to design in a way that the game runs on both devices, then that can be challenging for the developer—but if you have a more unified development environment and you're able to make one game that runs on both systems instead of having to make a game for each system, that's an area of opportunity for us."

    13. Shinya Takahashi says that Nintendo wants to make the NX exciting by looking at the perspective of the players. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Shinya Takahashi on June 23rd, 2015

    “For us, the next step is to think about what is going to be that element that is really going to catch the attention of a large number of players again and get them excited,” says Takahasi. “We’re constantly thinking about this idea from the perspective of the players and the needs of the players in terms of what can we can do with our ability and our technology to capture that excitement and passion.”

    14. Miyamoto has confirmed that he is taking a step back from NX's development after having a large hand in both the Wii and Wii U's development. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Miyamoto on June 23rd, 2015

    “I’ve pulled myself back out of some of the hardware section and I’m really focused on some of the software that I’m involved in—for example, the new Starfox game,” he says. “Of course I am observing and looking at the hardware, but I am not actively participating and making decisions.”

    15. Kimishima confirms that dedicated game platforms are still their "chief preoccupation". (Source)

    Originally Posted by Kimishima on Dec 3rd, 2015

    “NX [the codename for Nintendo’s next game system] is in development,” says Kimishima, reaffirming that Nintendo will have more to say about it next year, and calling it “a next step in our dedicated device strategy, the core and primary focus of our business.”

    16. Kimishima confirms that the NX will move away from Wii and Wii U, referencing how it is difficult to move fans from the current platform to the next platform (likely specifically Wii-to-Wii U). (Source)

    Originally Posted by Kimishima on Dec 3rd, 2015

    “As far as NX goes, I’ve said it’s different and obviously a new experience,” he tells me. “If you look back to the beginning of our conversation today, we talked about the transition from Wii hardware to the Wii U hardware and how difficult it is to explain to the consumer base what is different and new about the new hardware. It’s difficult to convince them to switch from their current platform to the next platform.”

    “That being said, I can assure you we’re not building the next version of Wii or Wii U. It’s something unique and different. It’s something where we have to move away from those platforms in order to make it something that will appeal to our consumer base.”

    17. Kimishima doesn't know where the NX codename came from. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Kimishima on Dec 3rd, 2015

    “As for the codename NX, I don’t believe that there’s any real meaning behind it, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t know where it came from,” says Kimishima, laughing when I ask. “Or perhaps Mr. Iwata had meant to tell me and then never got the chance.”

    Edit 2: Datschge found another point below, thanks! :)

    18. Iwata mentions wanting to make a platform that encourages a more active use rate to sustain interest in future games. (Source)

    Originally Posted by Iwata on Oct 30th, 2014

    "Our output speed is, of course, important. At the same time, we believe that maintaining the active use rate of our platform carries the same level of importance. I think you can relate when I say, when we keep touching a video game system, we tend to look for the next software we want to play. As a result, it becomes easier for consumers to purchase their next games. On the other hand, if the game system is out of our daily routine, we tend to lose interest, making it less probable that a new game will come to light. When we look back at previous hardware that did not succeed, they always failed to maintain the active use rate. On the contrary, the platforms that sold a lot established their respective positions in the market not because they had a lot of games – many games were offered for the hardware as a result of the hardware selling well and it establishing itself as a lucrative platform for publishers to sell their software on. We believe that the real key is whether the hardware is able to maintain the active use rate. I should have mentioned in my earlier remarks that Nintendo wants to operate our platforms by focusing more on maintaining the active use rate, so please allow me to make this comment now."
  11. -A-

    -A- Well-Known Member

    При набирающей обороты пс4, не очень понятно как nx будет прорываться =(.
  12. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Еще толком непонятно, что за зверь такой будет, этот самый NX. По самым последним "теориям", это будет чем-то вроде единой программной платформы, обьеденяющей в новой экосистеме Нины три платформы - консоль, портатив и мобильный девайс (типа играй на чем и где хочешь).
    Забавный факт, Кимисима (новый презик) N, сам не знает, что значит аббревиатура NX =) И Ивата ему не успел рассказать =)
  13. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

  14. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    Не сходится ) виртуал бой пропустил........а если уж указаны разновидности DS и то не все,не говоря уже о вариациях геймбоя ....то NX не десятая,а 22-ая+ )
  15. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

    Разновидности точно не берем, а Виртуал Бой не удался :)
  16. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    3DS это такая же разновидность DS,хотя исторически это просто идейное продолжение DS геймвотчей ) VB не удался ...но этж не значит,что они его не посчитали,если пользовались логикой,что X...это десятая приставка от нины )
    X --я думаю в нашем случае.это как в математике,неизвестная величина )
    Тоесть NX можно перевести как ,"неизвестная консоль от нинтендо"(N)
  17. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

    Таким макаром можно ПСП и Виту у Сони не считать :) Виртуал Бой считаю неким отдельным экспериментом. Это как смартвоч не считаю часами :)
  18. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    Ну коли уж считаешь,что 3DS,отличающийся от DS только экраном и более мощным железом,то считай,геймбой адванс,который был лучше и мощнее геймбоя,считай тоже самое,что небо и земля твои псп и вита...у нины куда ни кинь сплошные эксперименты ) чеж их теперь за консоли не считать...
  19. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

    Тогда так: геймбои едины, дс и 3дс едины, тогда можно считать вирутал бой и вуаля :)
  20. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    Ну если задаться целью подогнать их консоли под цифру X,то можно,но не думаю ,что Нинтендо имея на борту больше 20 "разных" устройств(не считая разновидностей) ,увидивших полки магазинов,занимались такими делами:)