Продажа GAMEBOY COLOR новый + много всего (Санкт-Петербург)

Тема в разделе "Барахолка", создана пользователем Dark Sol, 2 дек 2007.

  1. Dark Sol

    Dark Sol New Member

    Налетай на Бионик Коммандо!
    Bionic Commando: Elite Forces

    In 1999, under license from Capcom, Nintendo Software Technology developed and released a Game Boy Color game named Bionic Commando: Elite Forces. Though it borrows some elements from its predecessors, it is a completely different game, with a different plot. The characters (an unnamed male or female commando) have a few more moves, such as the ability to climb down from platforms. There are some special features, such as the ability to save the game via battery back-up (which has been known to introduce a game-freezing bug), some shooting sequences, and a choice of protagonists. Also, the characters sport rotoscoped animation, similar to early '90s games like Prince of Persia or Out of this World.