Days Gone

Тема в разделе "Новости игровой индустрии", создана пользователем VaaN, 17 июн 2016.

  1. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума


    LEONID Well-Known Member

    Там хотя бы про отдачу и вспышки нормальные не забыли.
  3. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo




    140 бачей

  4. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo

    И ещё свежачка

    LEONID Well-Known Member

    Огонь вообще.
    Moog нравится это.
  6. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

    Что именно огонь? )

    LEONID Well-Known Member

    Крутые локализаторы сидят в Сони, осталось Игровая Станция 4 написать и можно на наших изданиях крест ставить.
    dikh нравится это.
  8. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

    А ты бы хотел Дни ушли? :) И блямба на месте фары хорошо смотрится :)

    LEONID Well-Known Member

    Я бы хотел без переводов названий. А то "Неотмеченный на карте 4" и "Гравитационный порыв" скорее намекают на пиратские локализации.
    Moog нравится это.
  10. Moog

    Moog Муг не ест белуг

    Можно было бы "Ушедшие Дни". Хотя лучше не переводить, конечно.

    Или "ДАЗГАН". Назвать в локализованной версии героя Дазганом, было бы идеально!
  11. dikh

    dikh ^my religion^

    на них крест стоит уже 10000 лет, что тут удвиляться))
    Moog нравится это.
  12. LEONID

    LEONID Well-Known Member

    РРЦ у игры 4490р. Спасибо.
    Moog, dikh, Chakie и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  13. LEONID

    LEONID Well-Known Member

    Или "Как молоды мы были". Возьмите меня локализатором, я тоже так умею!
    Moog нравится это.
  14. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

    Medeival, dikh, Moog и 2 другим нравится это.
  15. Каин

    Каин Crimper

  16. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo

  17. VaaN

    VaaN Stella Maris

    dikh нравится это.
  18. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Превьюшки игры позитивные. Новый хитовый IP от Sony:

    Push Square
    Days Gone, though, is exactly what you expect it to be – but that’s perhaps a reductive way of looking at things. The production values are almost on par with Sony’s premier first-party studios, which is impressive when you consider Bend’s back-catalogue. And the gameplay loop appears to be very strong, with limited resources lending a real sense of tension to each and every encounter – whether they’re with the living or the living dead. The bike adds a unique twist, as it becomes your sanctuary out in the field and something that you need to plan around. But its own idiosyncrasies aside, this isn’t reinventing the wheel, and if you’re burned out on franchises like Far Cry, then don’t expect Deacon St. John’s inaugural outing to rip up the rule book – even if it does look like he has a rebellious streak.

    Press Start
    Days Gone has the potential to be another stellar game in Sony’s first party line up, but I’m a little bit less confident than I have been in the past few years (with games such as God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn). Everything is there, but it’ll be how well it’s brought together over a 30-hour period.

    There’s a great deal more that I want to see out of Days Gone. Thus far it’s a huge open world filled with zombies, hordes, human enemies, I even saw a zombie bear on another player’s screen. But what really has me intrigued is the world-building, modding your bike and building reputation with the camps around the world

    As I play through, I find myself engrossed and impressed. I’ve pretty much forgotten that I came to this media event expecting to be disappointed. Days Goneis one to watch. It’s out for PlayStation 4 on April 26. I really didn’t think I was going to say this, but I’m looking forward to it.

    Days Gone is going to be the most important and expected title of Sony in this first half of 2019, and so We have been able to verify we believe that it will not disappoint . An action adventure in the open world with zombies and elements of survival that will delight lovers of this type of games, and that will catch many people off guard and will surprise them with their proposal: solid, complete and very entertaining .
    We have written these impressions after playing a beta at an event organized by Sony in Madrid .

    The bike controls are fine, the gunplay is fine, the stealth is… fine, the dialogue is completely bland but still better than many games, and the graphics are good but not amazing (limited, no doubt, by the processing power needed to have so many zombies on screen at once).
    Read more:

    Ultimately, I want to say that Days Gone looks good. I really enjoyed the few hours I spent with it and I’m eager to explore more of its grim, dangerous world. Even though it doesn’t seem to bring anything revolutionary to the table (though the zombie freaker tech I’ve seen in previous demos is impressive), based on what I’ve seen, what it does, it does well. The big question I have is no longer “is Days Gone fun to play?” because the answer there is yes - the real issue, now, is “Is Days Gone fun to play for 30+ hours?” And my answer to that is… hopefully.

    US Gamer
    It will be interesting to see how this approach plays in one of the most politically polarizing eras since the Civil War. But while Days Gone may promise to represent all viewpoints, that doesn't mean that it doesn't have a philosophy of its own. With its strong anti-government bent and lionization of self-reliance, it feels very much like Red Dawn with zombies and bikers—a survivalist fantasy of the sort that Copeland would probably love. And agree with it or not, Bend Studio isn't shy about owning it.

    I’m more than willing to give Days Gone a chance to be great. I expect it to be so, based on what I’ve seen. The hordes will make it seem different from every other zombie game (save maybe World War Z), and the story and characters could elevate it, giving the player both a great single-player narrative and a lot of action.

    But every preview I play leaves me wondering whether there’s more to it, in terms of that story or action or characterization. I hope it’s going to all come together as a great narrative experience with fine gameplay action. I’ve got my fingers crossed, as I know there could be a lot of haters out there ready to dismiss this game as one more zombie apocalypse title.

    I also learned that off-roading isn’t off limits, but that each botched landing or collision has consequences. If you’re methodical about looting, you’ll generally be all right. As with the gunplay, the bike’s overall handling seems significantly improved since I last played. There’s a nice sensation of weight to it, and it sounds absolutely amazing. They did cheat us to the second tier of upgrades, so I can’t say with certainty how the upgrade path flows, or whether it requires a lot of grinding. The bike is a constant part of your journey, so it’s going to be a worthwhile investment regardless.

    My biggest takeaway from this game was how much I enjoyed the different ways you could use your variety of abilities and the environment to complete objectives, whether that be to get into a place, or destroy people or things. I respect any game that attempts to emphasise a flexibility to move back and forth between stealthy and loud approaches, or the fluidity to switch between ranged, melee, and guerilla combat techniques on the fly. I like mixing things up.

    Alessandro: That's actually a pretty fair way to describe the game. You do go around collecting herbs and helping survivors in the bases around the map. It channels a lot of the survivalist-experience you'd find from State of Decay, all within a large open world like Far Cry.

    And you know, I actually have to say that I ended up enjoying the setting of the Pacific Northwest a lot more than I thought I would. It went against a lot of my expectations for the region and it was pretty educational to be honest.


    But here’s the thing – I played for four hours straight, and never got bored. If the preview event hadn’t ended, I would have been quite happy to keep going. There’s something here. It’s a clumsy game, but it’s charming and big and increasingly engaging as it goes on. I even started to come around on Deacon a bit the more he was fleshed out. Days Gone might not be another immediate classic, but there’s more to it than I expected

    Days Gone announces itself as an open post-apo world that is quite effective but still looking for originality, whether it be its plot or its mechanics. If the promises of an Oregon devastated to travel on a motorcycle remain enticing, it will obviously need to skip gameplay already obsolete and full of clichés, at least at the preview stage. Come on, a little more nerve and surprises, and the title can really live happy days ...

    A more relaxed test of Days Gone has highlighted the narrative merits of a production placed in the groove traced by Sony with its exclusive: Bend Studio assembles a setting that is coherent and full of charm, even if not quite original. The interweaving of the various elements that make up the story, however, works well: in Days Gone there is the ideology of the Bikers and their urgency of freedom, mixed with the environmental wonders of a wild and barren region; there is also the ferocity of the human soul and a ruthless underlying malice. Equalistant from The Walking Dead and The Last of Us, the title manages to handle a difficult situation, satisfying anyone who does not seek innovation at any cost. The free roaming component is well structured, and the large game map appears not only adequately diversified, but also full of interesting activities all in all. Unfortunately, pad in hand, the gameplay is really fatigued, both when driving the motorcycle and when you switch to action, using ranged weapons or hand to hand. The animations of Deacon are at times awkward, the control system not very responsive, the shootings are not always satisfactory. The survival component, which suggests not too heated playing rhythms, manages to glue and keep everything on its feet, but it is clear that Days Gone shines more on the stylistic and narrative side than on the distinctly playful one. It remains an interesting game, which certainly does not pretend to surpass its more famous colleagues, but that could turn out to be a dense open world, with an exciting story.

    It must have told us that the session was over for us to let go of the controller as we were immersed in Farewell. If Days Gone stays at this level over time with a scenario that does not run out of steam, fans of survival, zombie games and the open world should get their money's worth at the exit.

    Our first impressions are very positive. Days Gone includes a bunch of elements we've already seen in other games; stealth, open world, survival and crafting, tracking... but what really gives it personality is the presence of the horde and the bike. Furthermore, its strong narrative got us hooked during our time with the game.

    Days Gone
    is a game that took i's time, and the wait seems worth it. In today’s gaming climate it's easy to picture a studio receiving pressure to launch, to strike while a trend is climbing. But by doing it right, and inadvertently waiting until a swath of generic sandbox fare faded from memory, Days Gone is poised to give the fad the farewell it deserves. My hands-on left me feeling that the game does things right, even if some of them aren’t great. A smooth story, familiar combat and the fantastic, unique motorcycle mechanics add up to strong single-player promise. It’s a world I want to spend some time with, even if I might not like what I find.

    From what I’ve seen, there’s a real conflict between wanting to tell a highly impactful and emotional story like that seen in Uncharted and The Last of Us and giving the player the freedom to do as he or she pleases in an open world epic. While titles like God of War were able to marry these two worlds together, Days Gone didn’t hit that sweet for me in the short time I had with it. Worst case scenario though, I get a better version of State of Decay, a franchise I clearly enjoy. Expectations somewhat in check, I’m now more than ready to continue Deacon St. John’s adventure when Days Gone heads to PS4 on 26 April.

    Mercury News
    “Days Gone” has been in development for some time now — six years to be exact. The extra development time seems to have a created a polished experience. One that mixes elements of “Far Cry,” “Tomb Raider” and “Resident Evil.” Although the plot appears predictable, it does have good feel for an open-world game. It reminds me of another Sony exclusive — “Horizon Zero Dawn.” Perhaps, the effort of Sony’s Bend Studio will earn an equal amount of acclaim

    Overall, I found my hands-on time with Days Gone to be an intense experience. The stunningly gorgeous visuals are a stark contrast to the main characters’ rather bleak existence. While the story may seem like a dark and hopeless scenario, there are glimmers of light strewn about that I won’t go into, as to not spoil any major plot points. Days Gone is a title that’s looking to blend a lot of great mechanics from various genres and then throw in some survival game aspects on top of that. Riding around on a motorcycle is pretty enjoyable as well. Days Gone will be coming to the PS4 exclusively on April 26.

    We had the opportunity to play the game for just under three hours, which was an adequate chunk of time to explore Bend Studio's work. From the first minute the incredibly realistic and well-written characters are striking. The presented material was divided into two parts, the first of which (without unnecessary spoilers) introduced us to the realities of the game and allowed us to become more familiar with Deacon. We can already say that both the protagonist and all the important figures surrounding him will be the main strength of Days Gone. Even after the first few flashbacks and directed interludes, we were able to get along with them and understand their motivations and the difficult situation in which they find themselves. The first meeting between Deacon and Sarah was so natural and uncomfortable at the same time, and we easily slipped into the reality of the scene.

    Days Gone has all the characteristics of a top-tier PS4-exclusive, with its movie-quality presentation, engaging characters and beautifully-realised open world setting.

    That said, the story in Days Gone hews very closely to the well-worn zombie apocalypse rulebook, with its biker angle being the game's only real distinguishing factor amidst a sea of similarly-themed titles.

    Usually you have to choose great open-world mechanics, satisfying story, or decent combat, but it feels like Bend Studio is taking strides to give us a bit of all three, and throw some pretty trees on top. I'll have to wait to play the full game to find out if loving this bad boy will pay off, but there's lots to like about Days Gone so far, and anyone craving an emotional apocalypse while they wait for The Last of Us 2 should absolutely get involved.

    Oregon is spectacular. It may not seem very different to the naked eye, but you end up winning as a region and open world. Driving the motorbike through its roads and dirt roads is a delight, and seeing how the terrain is transformed and passes from a leafy forest to a desert area, is surprising and, apparently, very well transferred from the real region.

    The weather is also harsh and the way it transforms the orography is noticeable and much, in addition to serving to make better use of the stealth of the game, allowing us to loiter around enemy camps and around dangerous monsters without being detected. Although this time I have not seen snowy areas, they have been seen on many occasions in various demos at fairs, so the weather will have a major importance.

    OUR OPINION: I'm not going to lie to you, Days Gone enters through your eyes, even more than it seemed at first. It leaves beautiful prints in its sunsets and leafy scenarios and the meteorological changes are very striking and have an impact on the game itself.
    Days Gone's cinematics compare to the quality of Nathan Drakes adventures and, maybe more, to the ones in The Last of Us.

    Acting is solid and moving around in the world feels really smooth with the same polished feeling as in most of Sony's first party titles.

    You really get the feeling you're living inside The Walking Dead and are part of a world that's been ravaged by a zombie apocalypse for years where strong people found the means to survive.
    We feel refreshed by the last test with the hand of Days Gone. Of course, some problems remain, but we have finally understood the peculiar key to reading the title. A powerful narrative, an easy to read gameplay survival and a constant contrast between the emotional sphere of one and the raw violence of the other, linked by a marked style on the road. Now only the last step of the review is missing to put the full experience to the vote, arriving on April 26, 2019 in exclusive PS4.

    Days Gone is shaping up nicely, and with only a month and a half to go, I’m confident that I’m going to enjoy. It never took my breath away, but there are a lot of solid ideas and a story with plenty of depth. The combat is satisfying, and the various enemy types are going to provide a healthy challenge. I’m looking forward to spending many hours exploring the world Bend Studios has created, and if that means I encounter a Horde or two, so be it.

    Tattooed plant biologist Sarah is fleshed out via flashbacks, and you get the feeling she is fully capable of taking care of herself. Both she and Deke have strong, independent personalities that compliment rather than rely on each other.

    Days Gone works to imbue the whole world with the same grounded characterisation found in Deke and Sarah. The people in the world of Days Gone remain tied to who they were before the pandemic in a way that lets you see who they might have been. Few people threw away who they were – they merely adapted.
    Even so, I was engaged enough by Days Gone‘s setting, characters and story that I didn’t mind these relatively minor irritations, and I had fun sneaking up and one-shotting Freakers.

    I’m looking forward to spending more time with Days Gone. I want to know where the story will take me, and there are Freaker nests to burn out, a bike to upgrade, and people to help across various settlements. And, if I’m optimistic, hopefully a wife to find.

    But here’s the thing: After I played it, and I came back to my desk the next day, I kept thinking, ‘I want to play more of this game.’ It’s good. It’s very fun. It actually reminds me of Mad Max, the game that came out a few years ago, which I never actually played, but was very much—

    Jason: Yeah. So this, I feel is going to have a similar reception. A couple of things worth noting. One is that the story is surprisingly well done—I was really impressed by the writing and the acting.
    Developer Bend Studio worked on the game for no less than six years, has even postponed the release several times to perfect everything, and you notice that no rush work has been done. Graphically, the game looks great, and the animations and cut scenes are the best that the current generation of consoles has produced.

    The game also plays surprisingly smoothly, and fans of a game that is driven by a good story will have difficulty putting down the controller.

    Days gone is more than a cross between zombie series the Walking dead and Sons of anarchy, the TV series about a dangerous motorcycle gang. It is a top game in the making that at times is reminiscent of Red dead redemption 2 and God of war, and that is absolutely a compliment.

    IGN France
    Last point on which Days Gone could well stand out: its narration. Bend Studio clearly does not intend to release a game that relies only on gameplay. History is an integral part of experience and progression. Clearly, cinematics are numerous, the latter intervening sometimes even in the middle of a fight. They provide useful contextualization elements, both for the understanding of the universe and for the development of the different characters that revolve around it.

    Deacon is also a protagonist rather successful, which does not lack depth that the player will explore through intermediates in the form of flashback. The emotion was not as quickly palpable as in The Last of Us, but we will wait for the release of the game to really get an impression on the issues that the adventure has to offer. One thing is for sure, Days Gone has a story to tell and the writers at Bend Studio have taken care of everything to fill the players.

    IGN Portugal
    Days Gone campaign, which will last approximately 30 hours, will certainly put the player on the screen, especially if it's a title he's anxiously waiting for. Everything points to a story that continues the tradition of exclusive PS4 in narrative terms, with a special focus on the emotional aspect and the evolution of the characters, created with the feet well settled on the earth and conveying the sensation that all this could happen to any one of we. It is not difficult to put on Deacon's boots, the difficult thing for us was to even put the command down.

    From what we've seen, Days Gone will delight fans waiting for the release, win those looking at the Bend Studios title with suspicion and profile themselves as a serious contender for one of the 2019 surprises.

    IGN Benelux
    Days Gone convinced me in the three hours that I was allowed to play. The game includes challenging survival / horror gameplay that alternates with racing through the forests, sneaking through cities and RPG elements. The story is the center of the game. You will be presented with several cut scenes and flashbacks that you have to drag into the world of Deacon. I am already curious about more, want to know how the story ends and whether it finally succeeds to finish a horde of zombies on my own.

    This new contact with Days Gone reassured the narrative orientation of the game which, except for small blunders of transitions between cut-scenes and gameplay sequences, should take advantage of enough thickness to embark the player in his universe. The infected, meanwhile, without being unpublished, are brushed with enough originality to refresh a little this opponent become too classic in the video game. It remains to be seen whether the open world of the game will succeed in renewing its activities enough not to become too repetitive, but the bases of the title seem strong enough to offer a pleasant experience to the players, but probably not revolutionary.

    Days Gone
    has all the right ingredients to be a surprise hit for Sony - it just needs more refinement and more focus so players can engage with the great open world, without average mechanics holding them back.

    Gunplay and combat have a feeling that is an odd mix of Grand Theft Auto and The Last of Us. Combat felt very fluid overall, making the execution of takedowns and stealth rewarding, but Days Gone also straddles that line between rewarding violence, and the brutal reality of what your character is doing. There are moments that push the envelope by opting for a realistic concept of what each method of murder would look like rather than glorifying the violent act.

    It takes a lot to carry players through a 20-30 hour experience, and fetching gas tank X from location Y may get old fast. In my time with the game, there were hints of such problems, but also a glimmer of the potential under the surface. Days Gone has a lot going for it, and if it can stick that landing come April 2019 I will be onboard, battling freakers and riding off into the sunset.

    Furthermore, every player will experience the game differently because of random encounters. Not to mention that there are a lot of random in-game events. However, the storyline will not change regardless of what happens and that is what makes the game all the more interesting. Besides that, the game’s difficulty comes in either easy, normal or hard mode. Damage dealt by the enemies and their total health amount are the only aspects that separate the difficulty levels.

    We think Days Gone is definitely a game worth spending time on. It offers so much room for creative play as in there are so many ways to complete a mission, depending on your playstyle. The graphics and contrast are very good. The scenery of this post-apocalyptic world is extremely pleasing to the eyes. Most of all, the gameplay is realistic especially when it comes to you fighting against the Freakers. The melee actions are extremely smooth as well. Overall, very aesthetic and a decent storyline.

    I must admit that this in-depth test has made me re-evaluate the potential of Days Gone: the game structure works, the mix of TPS, open-world and survival is well balanced, the presence of skills to unlock for the character and the bike gives the title a much wider depth than previously imagined, and the canvas at the base of the adventure, while not innovating the kind of belonging, manages to capture the attention of the player thanks to the presence of a complex character, with an intriguing personality, that is masterfully interpreted by the actor Sam Witwer. To
    The premises are very good and are articulated in an extremely vast world, really well characterized and with some postcard views. At a technical level, the proven build seems a step forward compared to the one presented at the last Milan Games Week, but not yet perfect. Bend Studio assured us that it was a version far from the one that will be released on the market in April, and with more than a month available before the finalization of the game, we are sure that the software house will reach a high level and in line with Sony's other first-party productions.

    The preview only allowed me to touch the main storyline. But the overview that I could have via cinematics and dialogues have enormously reassured me about the universe which is much darker and developed than I had imagined. Deacon St. John is a charismatic and endearing hero who develops complex relationships with other survivors. The world in which he survives is not rosy. Everything will try to kill him! I dropped the controller at the 3 o'clock blast and said to myself "I'm playing quietly in my sofa". Days Gone could be the good surprise of this beginning of 2019!

    By the way, although the movement of a vast world moves using a motorbike, the behavior of this bike is really real. For example, in a muddy run, "Ah, the rear wheel is slipping", its condition is also reflected in the sense of driving. Running on a bad road, the movement of the suspension was really real and I was deeply impressed that "I will do so far!" Customization is also possible, so I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of motorcycle I can run around.

    Based on the play session, Days Gone can be described as beautiful and intriguing. For example, many great ideas have passed which give the game enough potential to look forward to. Honestly, there are some issues that raise some concerns, but who knows what Bend Studio has left behind for surprises. If you like narrative open world survival games, you're good at keeping Days Gone on the radar.

    As with so many of its post-apocalyptic peers, the big question is how things got this way? Was it a random occurrence, a new strain of a familiar virus, something manmade? It would seem to be the latter with a biochemical company called Nero. Sarah is also mixed up in all of this by virtue of having been placed on a Nero chopper, and Deacon restlessly hunts them down. Again, it borders on obsession, and I’m eager to see how his character descends down this path through the game, hopefully colouring in his relatively blank slate.

    Despite having had a few hours with the game, Days Gone hasn’t quite clicked for me just yet. The pacing of the opening and story as a whole probably need much longer to flourish, and skipping forward to later in the game won’t have helped either, but there’s also a lot of the open world gameplay that I’ve yet to see and experience. Days Gone might not have the most original premise (then again, neither did The Last of Us back in 2012-13), but it could shine with the emergent gameplay and how it grants you the chance to twist hordes of Freakers to your will.

    dikh и Каин нравится это.
  19. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

  20. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

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