GC Viper GC или Qoob: какой мод-чип выбрать ?

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PC Gamer

Well-Known Member
13 Апр 2006
Судя по ценам, примерно равные возможности у этих пар мод-чипов:

1) Viper GC EXTREME with USB Adapter ($65) vs. Qoob Pro ($55)
2) Viper GC with Programmer ($45) vs. Qoob SX ($40)

Возможности чипов:
- Viper GC EXTREME Inc. USB Adapter
- Complete kit including Viper GC Extreme chip and Viper USB Adapter
- Direct boot of all media, without swapping! (PAL and NTSC)
- Complete USB solution for chip reprogramming and bidirectionnal streaming
- The only solution that allows you to make backups without additional hardware
- Easiest installation on the market : only 4 wires, connected to the chip with a connector
- 16Mbit flash memory
- NTSC/PAL/JAP compatible
- Secure high-speed Actel FPGA
- Chip enable/disable switch and status LEDs
- Pinout compatible with original Viper GC. Just unplug & plug to upgrade.
- Pre-programmed with a "flash from media" BIOS
- USB cable included

- Qoob Pro
Direct boot of all media, without swapping! (PAL and NTSC)
Supports all regions PAL / USA / JAP
On-board MP3 Player included
Super easy USB upgrade system (USB transfer cable included)
DVD Disc upgradeable
Network upgradeable
Bios selection/control supported
Supports all retail hardware (DOL-001 USA, JPN, EUR and DOL-101)
Fastboot of original discs
Compatible with "GCOS" and other IPL replacements, allowing homebrew development via SD card and/or network
Comfortable easy to use Windows PC flash software (in download section)
Supports homebrew and open-source coding
Integrated media compatabilty check (checks all sectors of inserted media)
Streaming Audio Fix
Integrated status LED
Easy Installation, only 6 wires (no soldering on qoob chip required, special cable included)
Multicolor graphical user interface for easy operation
Supports Mini/DVD-R, Mini/DVD+R
16MBit on-board Flash to store homebrew applications
High secure - low power Actel FPGA
Supports Panasonic Gamecube
Packed in a stable carboard box including all wires, 3D Sticker and USB transfer cable

- Viper GC with Programmer
Viper GC is the world's first amateur coding module for NGC.
Direct boot of all media, without swapping! (PAL and NTSC)
A high speed parallel port programmer is provided along with the FFC cable to connect to the Viper GC.
The viper GC's tailored PC application will enable users to transfer code via their PC Parallel port.
Only 4 wires to solder, and one bridge to do.
Can be easily turned on/off.

- Qoob SX
Direct boot of all media, without swapping! (PAL and NTSC)
Supports all regions PAL / USA / JAP
DVD Disc upgradeable
Network upgradeable
Bios selection/control supported
Supports all retail hardware (DOL-001 USA, JPN, EUR and DOL-101)
Fastboot of original discs
Comfortable easy to use Windows PC flash software (in download section)
Supports homebrew and open-source coding
Integrated media compatabilty check (checks all sectors of inserted media)
Streaming Audio Fix
Integrated status LED
Easy Installation, only 6 wires (no soldering on qoob chip required, special cable included)
Multicolor graphical user interface for easy operation
Supports Mini/DVD-R, Mini/DVD+R
1MBit on-board Flash to store homebrew applications
High secure - low power Actel FPGA
Supports multi-game discs (game compilations on one disc)
Supports multi-disc games (games on more than one disc)
Supports Panasonic Gamecube
Including ESD-bag, installation wires and 3D Sticker

Что выбрать ?

Для меня главное:
1) Простота установки !!!.
2) Надёжность работы.
3) Совместимость со всеми играми.
4) Нормальная работа с самописными болванками.

Разница в цене совсем небольшая, поэтому при выборе лучшего варианта её учитывать не будем.
если будешь только играть то лучше поставить XenoGC, или его клон DuoGC.
Лучше конечно DuoGC,у меня он стоял и никаких проблем;)