Посмотрим, я Юбикам тоже больше не верю. Буду ждать обзоров и впечатлений, а потом уже решу купить или нет. Но по роликам выглядит не плохо.
Пекарям отложили на 2 недели. Теперь 29 Ноября https://blog.ubi.com/watch-dogs-2-pc-gets-new-november-29-release-date/ А добавят вот что: ADDITIONAL FEATURES General 4K support Stuttering/lag framerate optimization – We employed a fix that makes all controls much more responsive and less framerate-related. We’ve optimized resource creation, GPU VRAM upload and required VRAM for the game. No FPS cap Full SLI/Crossfire support at launch Multiple save file support – This feature allows players to have up to three auto save slots for three separate playthroughs. Multi-monitor support with borderless mode and advanced settings that allow for customized placement of menu and HUD. Multiple windowed mode options – Windowed mode with flexible/resizable windows, multi-monitor borderless. Improved Graphic Features Screen Space Reflections Headlight Shadows – Support for additional shadows from car headlights Extra Details Options – Increases the level of detail for all objects in the game, and adds more details to objects in the distance. Improved Graphics Options FOV sliders Pixel Density sliders Sharpness sliders Ultra Textures pack available at launch Anti-aliasing options: TXAA MSAA Post Processing Anti-Aliasing options SMAA and FXAA Improved Keyboard/Mouse controls Full adaptation with mouse and keyboard We’re using raw mouse input to reduce latency and use the Windows hardware cursor throughout the game without any additional signal filtering to smooth or accelerate mouse movement by default Advanced keyboard support – Keyboard hotkeys for every menu and app for faster access. Additionally, all hotkeys can be remapped. Mouse-centric UI – Any UI screen, menus or smartphone app supports full mouse interaction, so the player can finish any UI task with the mouse only. Everything is clickable and has appropriate button states. Toggle/Hold modes for different controls (aim, sprint, walk, inventory, etc.) Driving Driving has been adapted to suit the keyboard controls, with adjustable steering sensitivity. Same goes for driving camera sensitivity and auto-centering camera behavior Gamepad support On-the-fly switching between mouse and keyboard to gamepad, without any additional options, UI will just switch to gamepad mode Supported gamepads: Xbox One controller, PlayStation 4 DualShock controller Of course, you'll need a pretty powerful PC to make the most of the advanced features, with 4K almost certain to need a significant upgrade over the game's recommended specs. RECOMMENDED Supported OS – (64-bit versions only) Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Processor Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHz | AMD FX 8120 @ 3.9 GHz RAM 8GB Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (3GB) | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB) | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (3GB) or better | AMD Radeon R9 290 (4GB) or better Hard Disk Space 50 GB Peripherals Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse, Microsoft Xbox One controller, Dual Shock 4 controller Multiplayer 256 Kbps or faster broadband connection MINIMUM Supported OS – (64-bit versions only) Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Processor Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.5 GHz | AMD FX 6120 @ 3.5 GHz RAM 6GB Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) | AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB) or better Hard Disk Space 50 GB Peripherals Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse, Microsoft Xbox One Controller, Dual Shock 4 Controller Multiplayer 256 Kbps or faster broadband connection https://blog.ubi.com/watch-dogs-2-pc-specs-system-requirements-revealed/
Я в том плане, что он должен подать на них в суд, за то что эта вагина обожгла ему сетчатку. Как они такое не усмотрели =).
Чувака разбанят, а вагину уберут патчем, эх! http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/...al&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Урок для Юбисофт. Хотя игра вышла очень неплохой. http://gamemag.ru/news/115547/watch-dogs-2-igra-prodaetsya-gorazdo-huzhe-pervoy-chasti
Потому что люди помнят каким посредственным высером была первая часть, да и у Юбисофт снова ваза маразма и высеров на Высере. Вроде только отошли с FarCry 3 и Blood Dragon, а потом опять в говно скатились.
Я понимаю, что Юбисофт не ахти разрабы, но я привел пример с Марио Гэлакси Не знаю как часто хорошая вторая часть продается хуже первой.
Вторая часть ВД гораздо хуже первой. Просто на порядок хуже. Небо и земля. Настолько хуже, что я бы даже не осмелился назвать игру Вотч Догз 2.