Оценки игр

Тема в разделе "Новости игровой индустрии", создана пользователем VaaN, 30 авг 2007.

  1. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo

  2. Bикинг

    Bикинг Well-Known Member

    Единственная нормальная жрпг на каррент консолях. Почему бы ей не набирать баллы. Как старая поверенная проститутка, после пластики. Её ещё жарить и жарить можно.
    Medeival нравится это.
  3. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo

    Так я ж без упрёка/подвоха, наоборот.
    Просто как то релиз "затух", ну или "Заведьмачился";) на фоне других релизов
  4. Каин

    Каин Crimper

    Надеюсь, ситуация как с DA:I не повторится :)

    Народ радуется, что вернули оригинальную музыку (но можно переключить на аранжировки) и огорчается, что испоганили некоторые физиономии - старые были лучше и без проблем с анимацией. Спрашивается - зачем вообще такие ремастеры выпускать? Оправдать ценник? В общем, классическая история, когда хотели как лучше, а получилось как всегда :)
    Последнее редактирование: 13 май 2015
  5. Doozer

    Doozer Well-Known Member

    Чертов ведьмачишко...Проц что ли под него менять? Мой старикашка g2120 его не потянет - к гадалке не ходи.
  6. Medeival

    Medeival Кен Розенберг

    Нет, просто играть на лучшей платформе ;)
  7. Doozer

    Doozer Well-Known Member

    Я пека-боярин, из соснолей у меня только пастгены.

    Отправлено с моего iPhone используя Tapatalk
  8. vova

    vova Фьючераст Команда форума

    Бояре, купцы, давайте всем титулы придумаем, например, смартфонная челядь :)
    Medeival и Каин нравится это.
  9. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo

  10. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Вот еще Сплатун:
    TIME: 10/10

    Splatoon Is the Best Game Nintendo’s Made in Years

    But those activities feel like distractions from Splatoon‘s triumphant team-play mode, the game’s heart and soul, and the reason a guy like me, no fan of competitive online shooters, can’t stop playing the darned thing. There’s nothing else quite like it, nor the cathartic dopamine jolt to be had when you squid-skim up a paint-smeared quarter pipe, an Inkzooka at the ready, leap over the edge, take aim with your weapon, and reduce a startled opponent to goo.

    Technology Tell: 5/5
    Splatoon is the exact sort of game the Wii U needs. It’s easy to muster excitement for the title, thanks to an online multiplayer that never wears out its welcome, a refreshing story mode that shifts people’s perspective, ample customization opportunities and incentives to stop by each day. I was eager to jump in at every opportunity, even knowing that the odds of finding a Turf War during the press period were slim. Hype is justified here, as I fully believe Splatoon is one of the few competitive shooters that anyone, regardless of skill level, can enjoy.

    The Gadget Show: 5/5
    Nintendo has done it again - it has taken what is arguably a stale and over-familiar genre and done something original and innovative with it. Splatoon is a fantastic title which will hopefully create a whole new generation of online gamers, and shouldn't be missed if you own a Wii U

    Pocket-Lint: 5/5 (editor's choice)
    Well done Nintendo, you have indeed done it again. Splatoon is one ink-credible multiplayer shooter.

    NintendoForce Magazine: 9.5/10
    I think I'm addicted to ink

    GameSided: 9/10
    Splatoon is pure fun. I have trouble getting hung up on “what Nintendo should have done” when I’m blasting brightly colored ink all over the place, splatting my opponents, and pulling off ridiculous stunts up and over buildings in squid form. It’s not perfect, but it’s darn good, and capable of reaching a wide audience with simple controls and goals, but high customization and plenty of opportunity for strategy. Easy to pick up, hard to put down, Splatoon is definitely one of the Wii U’s shining titles. I’m pumped to see the new maps Nintendo will be churning out, to try out Ranked Battle, and test my skills in the new match types they’ll be rolling out in August

    Gameblog.fr: 9/10
    Originally Posted by marc^o^

    Nintendo Insider: 9/10

    But if anything’s clear at this point, Nintendo have done it again. Splatoon feels incredibly different to anything that you’ve played before, and is all the more refreshing for it. Accessible in a way that has allowed mainstays such as the Mario Kart series to be readily enjoyed by all ages over the years, it’s addictive by design. With sleepy feline Judd waking to reveal scores at the end of each match, this can be marked down as an undeniable victory for Nintendo.

    Summary: One of the best TPS and multiplayer game ever released. Gaming Trends: 9/10
    There are a few drawbacks and limitations, but Splatoon’s frantic and addicting gameplay is a blast. This is Nintendo’s best new IP in years.

    PureNintendo: 9/10
    A superb blending of shooting and platforming. The online multiplayer always felt fresh and exciting. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for Single-Player, and if you don’t have a good connection, you may feel left out of the full experience.

    GameVillage Italy: 9/10
    We were skeptical, at first, considering the strong multiplayer component of the game, and the limited amount of content. But boy, we were wrong. Splatoon is a coloured, hectic, engaging, raving, well-balanced and incredibly fun shooter that every Wii U owner should have in his library.

    Attack on the Fanboy: 9/10
    The biggest star though is just the overall style of the game, with characters that will quickly endear themselves to every player. Splatoon is easily one of the most unique games of this generation, and one of the best as well.

    Eurogamer Italy: 9/10
    Not only Splatoon is fun, colorful and addictive, but is one of the best games available for Wii U and a good reason to buy Nintendo's console.

    TechnoBubble (RGJ): 9/10
    Overall, I think Splatoon is a much needed shot in the arm or tentacle for a genre that could really use some new blood. With its fresh core mechanic, a solid campaign and an addicting and buttery online mode, Splatoon delivers a new and wonderful experience while adding Nintendo's trademark gameplay to the shooting formula. I give two thumbs — and nearly eight tentacles — up.

    BGR: 9/10
    Splatoon doesn’t look like, feel like or sound like any other shooter on the market, and for that reason alone, it’s worth any Wii U owner’s time. It’s also one of the only Wii U games I can see myself returning to again and again throughout the year. As with any first-party Nintendo game, there just aren’t any glaring issues, so despite that fact that you aren’t going to find an experience as deep or addictive as Call of Duty or Battlefield, you will appreciate the sleekness of the final product.

    The Escapist: 9/10
    The game's single player is surprisingly in-depth for a title that has been marketed as a multiplayer game, combining elements of platforming and shooting in a style of game that reminds me of Ratchet & Clank or Jak & Daxter. While I don't want to spoil too much, splattering down octopus-like bad guys and leaping from platform to platform on ink trails doesn't really get old - and the level design manages to keep some of the mechanics fresh by continually using them in new ways. Despite the good design, there's no truly great design. I'd hoped for more puzzle segments and clever mechanics subversion, and there's opportunity for Portal-like complexity that goes unfulfilled. Hopefully some of Nintendo's DLC can fill that hole. There's also some impetus for single player even for multiplayer devotees, as unlockables and secrets from there can transfer over to multiplayer matches for new weapons and tricks. Ultimately, however, multiplayer is the main event - even if singleplayer is nice - and if nobody in the house is going to try much multiplayer you might want to rent or skip the game.
    It shouldn't be as good as it is... but who am I to deny something this inkredible?

    CGM: 9/10
    This is easily one of the most purely enjoyable titles available on the Wii U and given that’s exactly what a Nintendo game should be, it’s impossible not to recommend it through giddy superlatives. Get thy ass out there and purchase thee a copy post-haste, fellow Nintendo ninnies.

    Always Nintendo: 9/10
    All in all, Splatoon is a great new IP on Nintendo’s home console that deserves to be played by every Nintendo fan out there! Though the game lacks some vital multiplayer features at launch, it still comes packed with enough content to keep you entertained for weeks upon weeks! Nintendo is releasing DLC this summer that fixes a lot of online multiplayer’s flaws, so expect this review to be updated once it hits! Splatoon comes out May 29th for an estimated retailer price of $59.99. Ready to get inked?

    Gamnesia: 9/10
    Splatoon is a wonderfully fresh take on one of the industry’s most tired genres. Every corner of the game is oozing with creativity and an attitude uniquely its own. It’s a beacon not only of brilliant game design, but of the imagination and risk that the big-budget industry so desperately needs. Above all else, though, it’s a fun-filled, ink-soaked, splat-tastic blast.

    Gizmodo: 9/10

    NintendoFeed: 9/10
    Splatoon is a fantastic idea and an even better game and whilst it's not quite whole yet, Splatoon is still a triumph for a company that's been doing the same for so long.

    Paste Magazine: 9/10
    Splatoon is not trying to corral unearned cool points with obscenity. Splatoon does not push us to accept its weirdness. Splatoon merely opens its suction-cupped palms to the sky and says, “Here,” and we graciously accept, parched by the years of dusty, war-torn, bone-dry purveyors of damage masquerading as games. Each waterfall was in fact an oasis. Instead, Splatoon showers us with a heavy goop that feels amniotic. We emerge, new and refreshed. We are all squids now.

    Ship2Block: 9/10
    Not only is this game a fresh take on an arena shooter with its mechanics, it has to be one of the most solid ones ever made. If you have an internet connection and a Wii U, you 100% need this game. No ifs, ands, or buts, you need this. If you don't have a Wii U, 15 minutes with this game could make you run to the closet retailer to buy one, its just that good. With that said, those without internet will be missing out on one of the best games of the year, if not the best game of the year. That is the only thing holding this game back from being a 10/10, and in a perfect world we would all have access to the internet, but single player on offline multiplayer alone would leave you with just a taste of what the full experience has to offer. With that said, this is hands down Ship 2 Block 20's first Game of the Year Nominee.

    Destructoid: 8.5/10
    In some ways, Splatoon's online component is disappointing, and the lack of so many features will likely push other shooter fans away. But most of those shortcomings can be forgiven in my mind because of how damn fun it is. As a shooter it's refreshing, and as a 3D platformer it's up there with some of Nintendo's greatest creations. You'll quickly forget about the fact that you're playing Turf War over and over as you squid down an alley, leap across a gap, and shoot enemies in the air as you fall. All Nintendo needs to do is keep supporting Splatoon, because the foundation is fantastic.

    Polygon: 8.5/10
    As of launch, though, Splatoon has enough going for it between the single-player and multiplayer to keep me happy. Nintendo has built two separate gameplay tracks that use the same mechanic yet feel discrete. They’re both a ton of fun, and they both have some obvious areas ripe for improvement. I can’t say whether Splatoon will become the next big franchise for Nintendo, with sequels every generation and spin-offs and endless fanboy buzz. But after this strong debut, it certainly deserves some attention.

    GameTrailers: 8.4/10
    Splatoon is a great game, that may be outstanding in a few months time. If Nintendo delivers in a big way with the planned free update it could absolutely be a must-have for the system. As it stands Splatoon is a mechanically solid shooter set in a delightful world but just doesn't have enough to it, to truly make it exceptionally.

    KillScreen 82/100
    That’s the kind of work Splatoon is doing: borrowing ingredients from numerous different recipes, throwing them into a pot together, and stirring until they stop feeling like separate ideas and begin to become unitary.
    Splatoon, then, makes me optimistic about what games can do not with pastiche or duplication-as-serialization, but with sampling. We don’t have a genre convention to slot Splatoon into, and that’s a rare and wonderful thing.

    IGN Italy: 8.2 (will be update in the coming months with the updates/free content)
    Somehow, Splatoon is a true masterpiece that changes the face of the shooter genre with its unique attitude and its brilliant gameplay. Yet at the same time it's a shame to see a game that's so fun and fresh plagued by such an antediluvian idea of online play.

    The Jimquisition: 8/10
    Splatoon may not offer much “content” out of the box, but it does offer enough reason to keep coming back to it, hungry for more. Despite a simple idea and a handful of maps, this eccentric shooter does – as the game’s irritating in-universe TV hosts declare – “stay fresh.” It balances strategy with anarchy in a riveting way, and nails the balance between instant gratification and heartbreak as players obsessively cover their world with color and have to watch as their hard work is consistently overwritten in a way that only makes one more desperate to hit back. Some of the technical aspects of online multiplayer could use an overhaul, particularly the lobbies, but otherwise it’s a smooth ride and a ton of energetic merriment.
    I’ve played it. I’m still buying it. Can’t think of a stronger recommendation than that.
    You’re a squid, you’re a kid, you’re a squid, you’re a kid.

    Shock 2: 8/10
    We got This Covered: 4/5
    While I’m more than happy to find myself proven wrong by Nintendo, I find myself focusing on Splatoon’s few negatives as opposed to its many strengths, but for good reason. Because at the end of the day, I find myself completely hooked on Splatoon and its offbeat take on online shooters, though I’m always going to hold out for Nintendo to come along and fix its few faults. Not because I think the game needs it, but rather because I want to see Splatoon go from a great game to an outstanding one.

    U.S. gamer: 4/5
    Nintendo takes a chance with this odd, risky rethink of the arena shooter. Splatoon moves away from guns and grit, offering a shooter anyone of any age can enjoy. The game's single-player is an absolutely amazing puzzle platformer that deserves some expansion. Multiplayer is a bit light on content at launch, but Nintendo is already promising more this summer.

    GameReactor.no: 7/10
    + Unique and fresh concept, filled with action and colorful fun.
    - Single player not being rewarding enough. Launches with few multiplayer modes. The controls feels clumsy to learn.

    ZTGD: 7/10
    Splatoon is a novel title that is a blast to play. My biggest concern is longevity. With certain modes and features locked behind players reaching a certain level, I wonder how long its legs truly are. I want it to catch on, but with the paltry Wii U user base, and a quirky new IP at the helm, my fears are that no one will care about Splatoon in a month’s time.

    Games Radar: 3.5/5
    It breaks my squid-loving heart to be so down on Splatoon, because the core gameplay offered is one of the freshest and most exciting things to come out of Nintendo in years. But I can't help but feel like this game should have come out three, maybe six months later, when all of the content is finished and included on the disc. As it stands, there's simply not enough game here on day one to make Splatoon anything more than a weekend curiosity, and there's no telling whether the content coming down the pipeline will be worth sticking around for.

    GameXplain - Loved

    It’s a breath of fresh air in a pretty crowded. I found the single-player to be fun, if a bit short, while the multiplayer is straight-up the most fun I’ve had on the Wii U. And the online worked flawlessly. I experienced lag only a handful of times out of hundreds of matches, and it almost always ran at a rock-solid 60 frames per second.

    Forbes (no score)
    'Splatoon' Is The Fresh IP Nintendo Has Needed For A Decade

    The Guardian (no score)
    Beautiful and wildly addictive, this joins Mario Kart as one of the finest multiplayer games available.

    Nintendo Everything: Thumbs Up!
    Pretty much top to bottom, every part of it is a dance between polished comfort and excited brilliance, not unlike a bedroom splashed with neon paint. Its moments of genius are plentiful, and everything about it wholly memorable.

    Nintendo Life's Review in Progress:
    Splatoon is easily the freshest shooter in years and delivers superbly on all fronts; we have an inkling you'll love this.

    IGN's Review in Progress
    Nintendo’s take on the third-person shooter is refreshingly original, but it needs extra modes and content.

    TechnoBuffalo: Buy/Wait
    The gameplay here is fun, fast, addictive and unlike anything else on the market. It also looks really great, and stands as an amazing feather in the Wii U’s cap.

    GameStop's Review in Progress:
    I'll be doing my best to find viable multiplayer matches and as many Sunken Scrolls as possible in the next couple days. Once I've got a good feel for the breadth of Splatoon's modes, I'll be back with my full review.

    Nintendo World Report's review in progress:
    Overall, Splatoon makes for an amazing online game, likely the most engaging online experience Nintendo has ever made. The multiplayer, regardless of its lack of voice chat or randomized parties, is sublime*, successfully making a shooter that is easy to hop into but tough to master. The single-player might be short and linear, but it’s a wonderful change of pace from the frenzy of online play. Splatoon also represents a change of pace on a grand scale for Nintendo. This isn’t something the company normally does and reinforces the notion that maybe they should keep on trying to make new games and worlds and stop remaking old ones. Hopefully, the game is a success, and they’ll see this new direction pay off.

    GamerSyde: (no score...but with HQ 60fps footage!)
    Attempting to offer something new in the overcrowded multiplayer shooter arena was quite a gamble yet Nintendo has taken up the gauntlet brilliantly completely redefining the look and feel of the genre. With Splatoon, the Japanese giant has delivered an excellent title with simple, yet technical gameplay mixed with an incredibly attractive art style. Despite a few server issues (which should hopefully be solved soon), Splatoon managed to put a smile on our face the whole time and is a nice surprise from Nintendo the likes of whom feels overly limited by its more historic
  11. Каин

    Каин Crimper

    The Witcher III: Wild Hunt [8]
    Kerbal Space Program [9]
    Project Cars [8]
    Swords & Soldiers II [7]
    Crypt of the Necrodancer [9]
    Invisible, Inc [8]
    Sunset [9]
    Puzzle & Dragons Z [5]
    Steins Gate [7]
  12. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Прочитал обзор Ведьмака 3 на Полигоне. Обзорщик всю игру пытался найти там представителя черной или желтой расы (не белой короче) =))
    Ну дебилы =)))
    Medeival нравится это.
  13. -A-

    -A- Well-Known Member

    Вообще, там есть темнокожий суккубос в одном квесте =(.... А так, там очень много посвящено дискриминации магов, эльфов и гномов, и что это плохо. Но активистам все равно, они не видят аналогий и с самого старта обвиняют игру в сексизмах, рассизмах, отсутствии геев и т.д.
  14. Каин

    Каин Crimper

    Batman: Arkham Knight - или бэтмобиль отстой

    Chakie нравится это.
  15. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Chakie и Каин нравится это.
  16. Каин

    Каин Crimper

    Batman: Arkham Knight [8]
    Splatoon [9]
    Heroes of the Storm [8]
    Yoshi's Woolly World [6]
    Destiny: House of Wolves [8]
    Magicka 2 [7]
    Nom Nom Galaxy [6]
    Massive Chalice [7]
  17. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo

    Последнее редактирование: 15 июл 2015
  18. Chakie

    Chakie Lucha Pablo

  19. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

    First Official Review Released By French Magazine


    Gameplay – 4 out of 5 stars
    The Metal Gear game with the best gameplay, and with the most possibilities even though some aren’t that useful.
    Graphics – 4 out of 5 stars
    Game looks clean. Although, it clearly shows its crossgen roots. Not the best looking game.
    Sound – 4 out of 5 stars
    A lot of tracks from the 80s and a nice sound ambiance.
    Length – 4 outs of 5 stars
    A long playthrough (more than 40 hours) but one that can be tedious at times.

    A rich gameplay but also some tedious missions, a plot which promises so much and delivers so few, MGSV is as impressive as it leaves you unsatisfied. A good game, but one difficult to understand. Could it be Kojima’s last mystery?
    Геймплей: 4 из 5 звезд
    Это Metal Gear с самым лучшим геймплеем и с самым большим количеством возможностей, хотя некоторые из них и бесполезны.

    Графика: 4 из 5 звезд
    Игра выглядит отполировано, хотя тут заметны кросс-ген корни. Не самая красивая из возможных.

    Звук: 4 из 5 звезд
    Множество треков из 80-х и в целом приятное музыкальное наполнение.

    Продолжительность: 4 из 5 звезд
    Время на прохождение уйдет много (более 40 часов), но иногда может быть скучно.

    Вердикт: 17/20

    Насыщенный геймплей, но с затянутыми миссиями, сюжет, который обещает много, но исполняет мало. MGSV – впечатляет, но оставляет неудовлетворенным. Хорошая игра, которую сложно понять. Возможно это последняя загадка Кодзимы?

    Последнее редактирование: 20 авг 2015
    Ken Rosenberg нравится это.
  20. Steve

    Steve Well-Known Member

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

    GameSpot — 10/10
    IGN — 10/10
    Game Informer — 9.25/10
    Daily Dot — 10/10
    EGM — 9.5/10
    Game Trailers — 9.5/10
    Press Start — 9/10
    Destructoid — 9/10
    Examiner – 5/5
    Hobby Consolas - 9,7
    Power Unlimited 9,7/10
    IGN Spain - 9,5/10
    Eurogamer Italy 9/10
    Multiplayer.it - 8,8/10
    Good is Geek - 10/10
    3DJuegos - 10/10
    IGN Italia - 9,7/10

    Последнее редактирование: 24 авг 2015
    x0m, dimm и Каин нравится это.