Crysis 3

Тема в разделе "Новости игровой индустрии", создана пользователем LEONID, 12 апр 2012.


    LEONID Well-Known Member

    Благодаря Ориджину случилась утечка о 3 части серии. Разрабы расстроились и пообещали подробности 16 апреля.


  2. Ken Rosenberg

    Ken Rosenberg Well-Known Member

    Грядет 3 порция ГРАФОНА™. И надеюсь, что на ПеКа на этот раз запилят нормальный мульт, а не эту забагованную муть, которую прилепили во второй части.
  3. The I

    The I Всеми любимый троллератор

    Надеюсь, ПК-онли. Иначе графон ждать не приходится. Хотя чего это я тут размечтался? И так понятно, что будет улучшенный движок второй части. Хоть бы джунгли вернули с тамошней физикой. Ниче, первую часть же перенесли на косноли.
  4. cactuap

    cactuap Все люди твари! Команда форума

    Тоже жду :) Джунгли очень хочется на новом двигле :)
  5. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    11 эйприла еще писал об этом в Новостях одной строкой) PS3 версии как я понял не планируется

    LEONID Well-Known Member

    cactuar, скорее всего будет снова Нью-Йорк, но уже полностью разрушенный.
  7. cactuap

    cactuap Все люди твари! Команда форума

    Это уже не так интересно :) Первый завораживает видами, второй воспринимаю как какой то стандарт :)
  8. imp

    imp Well-Known Member

    это еще почему?
  9. dikh

    dikh ^my religion^

    Прям интеерсно, что во новой части будет)
  10. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Судя по тому, что Крайтек выпустил крупное обновление CryEngine 3 SDK 3.4.0, что-то они там действительно готовят:
    Refactored UI game events
    Added new UIGameEvent class (moved functions from UIActionEvents to this class)
    New interface for auto registering to UIManager
    Continuous update is not automatically paused/restored when filtering/restoring the visible objects inside sandbox. Pausing the continuous update also when jumping into game in Sandbox.
    Include node indices in navigation graph debug draw
    DX11 CBuffer Downscale Improvements + fixes
    Make sure vehicles can use the Multi-layer Navigation
    Added Overwrite All button to checkout dialog
    Added FG node to catch and trigger upon animation events set up in character editor
    Changed UIEventSystems of old game dll to use new event dispatchers
    HUD3D use correct offsets for different resolutions
    Now correctly set the alpha for glass phys fragments.
    Added variable stable fragment size to glass, meaning smaller pieces can stick nearer edges.
    Coloured glass particle effects to match glass material (Off by default).
    Enabled glass cvars in release builds.
    Fixing EngineAssets location
    Add icon and version number to remote shader compiler
    Remove some obsolete shaders from the shader list
    Gamma changes now respect window focus in Dx10/11 (As per Dx9 in DeviceLost state).
    Support for non-uniform phys scaling (clone-based)
    Set the web server port for the Remote Shader Compiler
    Re-added EF_Query( EFQ_D3DDevic )
    FrameProfileSystem now displays frame time, lost time, and overhead with same averaging method as profile entries.
    Time of Day: added serialization of key flags for splines
    Sandbox, Time of Day: added toolbar for Spline editor, dockable frames.
    Added "Reverse" to MaterialEffect particle hit direction options.
    Add GeometryBeam inside the Sandbox shader list
    Remote Shader Compiler to VS2010
    Set ai_MNMEditorBackgroundUpdate to 1 by default
    Shadowpool caching support, blockpacker usage fixed
    Being able to choose an entity class category from within Lua scripts and external entity class handlers used inside the Editor, instead of always putting them into "Default"
    Added callback to handle glass system cvar changes. Tidies up the temp crash fix.
    Enabled the new glass system by default when in multiplayer.
    Implements the light animation by (ab)using the light node in the movie system.
    Adds position/rotation animation support to the light animation system.
    Makes it possible to scrub a light animation through the regular TrackView interface.
    Move more textures to Engine\EngineAssets
    Lua debugger GUI improvements
    Added GameScript projects to GameCodeOnly solutions
    Implements the film curve preview in the Time Of Day dialog.
    New UIEvent receiver and sender helpers for variable args and arg count
    Some helper functions for easier UIEventDesc creation
    Allow to use Vec3 as type for UIEvent FlowNode ports
    Rework TemplBeamProc 1. Dust 2. Air Turbulence 3. Volumetric Shadows
    Re-add start and end colors
    Simple tool to check flags
    New glass shader featuring: Improved lighting consistency. Support for opaque layer, tint color map, alphatest shadows using opaque map, blurred refraction (High end only). Removed support for alphablended non-refractive glass. Tidied up legacy code.
    Glass Shader: Added diffuse multiplier to vertex alpha.
    Glass Shader: Added global opacity multiplier.
    Enable geometry instancing by default
    Changed UIEventSystems to use new easier style (new game dll first)
    Improve default values for film curve tod settings
    Add MotionBuilder 2012 exporter to be built in the tools solution file
    Updated UpdateCryGameScriptsProject
    HUD3d position C2 calculation
    Database Save button now enabled/disabled depending on count of modified libraries.
    Added cvar to define if _mp should be auto added to sound files on mp
    Enhanced particle MaterialEffects, allowing direction type to be specified per-effect, same as other effect modifiers. Compatible with ealier XML that specifies it per group.
    Allow lazy updates for flash elements
    Allow to override dyn tex with from uielement
    Only render uielelemnt to dyn tex if needed (with lazy render flag)
    Removed useless GUID info from ParticleEffects.
    Resizing and "Look & Feel" of the solid panel
    Perf improvements to glass triangle hashing loop.
    Saving of ~300 bytes per glass RN by removal of temp vars and class restructuring.
    Swapped a large continuous glass array for a smaller cyclic one. Up to 40kb PC and 10kb consoles saved.
    Glass impact decal params are now only calculated once instead of every frame.
    Using CTRL + Middle Mouse to add/remove a flowgraph breakpoint
    ITimer and FrameProfile systems now consistently use CryGetTicks(), replacing runtime tests and function pointers.
    Removed unused members in ProfilerInfo.
    Added state to SParticleUpdateContext to reduce repeated computations.
    Integration of multi-particle ParticleEmitter.EmitParticles() change.
    Sped up emit rate/count computation in SubEmitter.EmitParticles(). Cache EmitCountScale, avoid calling GetExtent() during particle emission.
    Removed SAnimationDesc struct from code and new AnimGraph files, following C2 behavior. Replaced with runtime functions to compute SAnimationMovement and get SAnimationSelectionProperties*.
    Removed unused GetAnimationLength functions.
    Adjusting view distance ratio on a few object for consistency
    Sandbox Rollupbar resizing and "look & feel"
    Cleaned up gamma ramp calculations, now round results correctly.
    Prevent execution of sound creation code with an empty sound name string and display of an unnecessary error message to the log
    Little simplification to tod sun shadow cascades control/removed hdr contrast control
    Tweakable per-cascade shadow bias
    Significantly improve shader compilation speed by replacing fxc with cryfxc
    Move cryfxc into PCD3D11/v005
    Adding d3d compiler dll to be complete
    Rename %DETAIL_MAPPING back to %DETAIL_BUMP_MAPPING to maintain backward compatibility
    Added inline tick functions to ITimer: GetTicks(), GetTicksPerSecond(), TicksToSeconds(). Removed silly virtual TicksToMillis/Nanos(). Also added GetNonFiberTicks(), which subtracts FiberYieldTime(), simplifying a lot of code. Removed redundant tick functions and members from FrameProfileSystem.
    Movd OPT_STRUCT facilities from TypeInfo.h to platform.h. Made member and acccessor names more consistent: _Member, Accessor(), Setter(val)
    Remove not needed ifdef GAME_IS_CRYSIS2
    Branch refactoring
    Update the ToolkitPro .dll inside the Tools directory
    Removed support for deprecated fog mode. Prerequisite for coming volumetric fog enhancements.
    Add parser support for shader interpolator arrays
    Terrain non linear alpha blending factor support ("blend layer")
    Updates for per-light shadow bias / lights specular was mismatching sun specular / tone mapper curve tod control / brute force dof quality mode+ resolution scale fix
    Separates the HDR parameters and packs together with the film curve preview in the TimeOfDay dialog.
    Increase the range of volumetric scale
    Move light beam update to a new shader
    Adapting 3dMouse default values
    Validate shaders for fog and water volumes
    Removing geom_instancing=0
    Small tweak to vignetting texture (was a bit overkill)
    Remove grass material pre-multiply on diffuse colour
    Removing per art request cvdetailscale (and old cvnumlayers)
    Moved CryCG to mingw-gcc based builds
    Move two more textures to Engine\EngineAssets
    Added missing file that's being referenced for grenades
    Adding scripts only RC Job
    Deleted StaticSymbols.cpp (obsolete)
    Delete no longer needed test file
    Delete depreciated Tool Box config file
    Delete depreciated Modelling Panel file
    Delete unused/unavailable item from equipment pack
    Delete depreciated file (Tools -> User Commands)
    Updated AsianCoaxialWeapon to use HMG weapon sounds. Lowered rate of fire for visuals to match audio.
    Removed GAME_IS_CRYSIS2 from AI system, replaced with local define in AI system if new flight navigation should be used
    Better facing for dynamic flash tags
    Adjusting new script separation RC Job processing
    Adding R_HDRBlueShift = 0.
    Adding new glass decal controls, default values.
    Fixed issue with unused grenade types (flash, emp, smoke) spamming console. Fixed spacing. Fixed issue with incorrectly pointing helper.
    Removed vehicleCollisionDestructionSpeed="4" param from MH60. Was blowing up far too easily when nudging other vehicles.
    Removed commented out CVars. Changed r_HDRRendering default to '3'.
    Lowered grenade damage (250 -> 150). Lowered min/max radius 5/15 -> 2/10. More realistic behaviour for a frag grenade, less chance of killing yourself.
    Keeping the joint velocities when "ragdollizing" the actor. Better for the Hit/Death Reactionsystem (death reactions).
    Sandbox, Time of Day: More sensible default zoom settings, cleanup.
    Added isPassengerShielded="1" to gunner seat for protection against rockets.
    Tweaked damage and radius on vehicle explosions. Fixed issue with Abrams explosion not causing reaction (delay set to 0.2).
    Updated path to new cloth asset
    Updating size of glass texture atlas.
    Changed the default TOD to suit new filmic tone mapper (r_HDRRendering 3)
    Ensured lock pointer is NULL before attempting to lock to help track down a possible failed LockVB crash
    Renamed CryEngine_GameCodeOnly to CryEngine_GameCodeOnly_LEGACY
    Small code cleanup
    Adjusting RC Job for new script processing
    Tweak default TOD - decreased DOF settings
    Adding ai_MNMEditorBackgroundUpdate to system.cfg to generate nav mesh in editor whilst not the primary focus
    Removed upper limit for maximum players in multiplayer
    R_shadowsstencilprepass const cvar set to 2
    Removed hardcoded weapon attachment definitions, instead loaded in a data driven way.
    Made some glass index types more explicit to help avoid errors.
    Updated glass decal atlas - Slightly increased white-levels on larger break pattern.
    Removed glass system cvar from multiplayer.cfg as now globally enabled.
    Renamed to new name as well
    Changed 0xCE 0x94 to delta
    Added canary for CRenderObject id overflow
    Tweak HMMWV - added dynamic light for headlights
    Disabled the game side stealth-o-meter code in the Target Track Threat Modifier. CL676413 - !B Fixed issue where the visual stimulus would be pushed down because the outThreat wouldn't be set by the threat modifier.
    Removed unnecessary file copy and linker flag
    Minor cleanup of make variables
    Reduced smart path follower look ahead distance to 0.33 meters instead of 10
    Updated system.cfg to clarify sys_spec is only for Launcher and not for Editor
    Cleaned GameCodeOnly solutions
    Character shader refactoring/cleanup.
    Update multiplayer.cfg - Removed several duplicate CVars. Removed graphics related CVars that shouldn't be MP specific and are defined in main CVarGroups (viewdistratios, etc). Removed obsolete CVars.
    Removed unnecessary UI warnings
    Sandbox will now notify the designer if they are trying to "Export to Engine" while the navigation data didn't finish the processing operation. Also Launcher will load the navigation data even if there is a version inconsistency between the MNM configuration file and the exported data
    Fix the result value returned by the RayCast in case the ending triangle is not acceptable.
    Small fix due to renamed GetUserName
    DX11 CBuffer Downscale Improvements
    Disabled warning "Could not read AI Cover Surfaces" when there are no Cover Surfaces on the map
    Crash when drawing debug information for formations
    Fixed Entity Pool
    Fixed GetOutputXMLFileName if empty string is passed
    Time Of Day: Fixed creation of property nodes after re-opening the dialog box
    Fixed: HitDeath Reactions didn't consider caused damage for explosions
    Fixed: HitDeathReactions never checked if ragdollizing the actor is allowed
    Fix global initialisers in x64 release builds
    Fixed: Possible infinite loop while loading malformed Lua breakpoint information from breakpoints.lst
    Improved Scoped Time Logger
    Fixed potential crash in CStructInfo.FindSubVar
    Fixed: Readded Game Token type not set correctly (always used type string, bad for network serialization)
    Move into Compiler from typo'd directory.
    Removed double-triangle hash on glass node initialisation.
    Fixed a case where glass phys frags with id 0 were using garbage geometry.
    Fixed: No Bird boids animations
    Blend layer color input fix for vegetation
    Crash fix for MP if no game mode is set
    Fixed CSaltBufferArray::IsValid
    Fixed: Missing caused damage parameter when notifying the HDR system (Collision)
    Final fix for x64 static linking
    Fixed: Weird living entity behavior on non terrain ground.
    Fixed health not updated on hud
    Fixes the issue of 'r_measureoverdraw' not working in DX11.
    Fixed: Crash in BreakableManager
    Fixed: Wrong path to default CGF
    Shadow tweaks
    Finally fixed crash in profile system when changing profile_allthreads from 0 to 1.
    !I potential multithreading problem with rigidbody mass recomputation
    Enable flowgraph nodes Input:Key and Input:Action in multiplayer
    AnimationGraph: Fix for animation randomizer not being properly called, resulting in unrandomized repetition when multiple characters enter the same state
    Tick timing fixes and cleanup:
    Fixed inconsistencies in CryGetTicks, QueryPerformanceCounter, and QueryPerformanceFrequency. CryGetTicks is now equivalent to QPC on all platforms, fixing some profiling results. Win32/64 use Windows QPC rather than RDTSC, as it's guaranteed thread-safe, and has acceptable performance on Profile builds.
    Sandbox: "Inside the Time of Day window, groups of keyframes cannot be deleted." -
    Sandbox: "Time of Day: When first opening the Time of Day, the timeline scrubber does not render/refresh"
    Fixed: Material Picker doesn't pick correct submaterial
    Fixed: Don't receive update item callbacks when setting the initial values in the TimeOfDayDialog
    Fixed wrong vcproj file settings in
    Fix dissolving issues on sprites causing flickering
    Sprite-model dissolving quality improvements
    Fix up lod dissolving issues on view change
    Dissolve improvements - distance based, cross over LODs to minimise volume differences and screen-space noise
    Implement dissolve to-from nothing/bottom LOD/sprite
    Fixed D3D11 staging texture leak - introduced pool of staging textures
    Ensured that staging textures only get freed on Unlock, if they were allocated as a result of a Lock
    Fixed log(0) FPE
    Fixed: Footstep sounds and player water interaction not working
    AnimationGraph: Additives Modifier will now correctly end looping animations even if multiple characters are in the same state
    Duplicated cvar registrations
    Compile fixes for VS2010, plus fix for long running shader servers
    Fix shader lists being left as .tmp files if rename fails (adds same 5s retry as with delete of old .txt files)
    Removed non-ansi characters that makes errors when building with asian locale
    Correctly adding the mnm data file (.bai) to the level.pak
    Renamed IUIElement to IUIObject since it conflicts with IFlashUI
    Crashfix if shader error message occur while platform os is not initialized yet
    Fixed DebugCallStack::FillStackTrace in 64-bit mode
    Fixed: Expended ammo was never reset correctly when dropping/picking up the weapon.
    Various fixes for pointer checks, missing initialisation, incorrect asserts, unhelpful log messages, bad indentation.
    Fixed: Puppet range container was never reset. Was constantly growing inside Sandbox.
    Alpha value now used for refractive particles on blending as well as bump scaling, for proper results with overlapping particles.
    Fixed FPE in ParticleContainer.ComputeUpdateContext when TurbulenceSize was small.
    Fixed correct editor set level
    Fixed function BasicActor:InitialSetup
    Fixed compile error in debug win32
    Refactor instancing RT flags to reduce shader combinations
    Fixed "ai_DebugDrawVolumeVoxels" and removed (unused) volume hidespots-related code
    Fixed basic event hanlder
    Fixed correct windows event handlint
    Temporary crash fix for new glass system
    Static analyzer warnings fix
    Fix crash when a texture is used for rendering which was created during the precache phase
    Fixed assert in Debug-Renderer
    Compile fix + fix for gs tweakables not being properly set/declared
    Ensure right view projection matrix used for waterfoginto
    Fix Color shift bug. Renamed the generation params
    Couple more shader compilation fixes/cleanups
    Register class otherwise renderer will not be able to create render window
    Don't add bullet impulse if there was no rendermesh hit
    AI: CGoalPipeXMLReader::parseGoalOp (COPWait does not work for XML goal pipes)
    Fixed: Full recursive clone for archetype entities properties table
    AI: CETHR-1075: SIGNALFILTER_SUPERFACTION always sends signal to Player (regardless of faction)
    An issue with multiple phys areas affecting an entity
    Fixed: Boolean properties didn't work when using external entity property handler
    Some fixes to linked scaled physics objects
    Fixed: Typing in new helper directions didn't update correctly the actual helper rotation in the Vehicle Editor. Only worked when rotating it in the viewport.
    Fixed static linking of dedicated server without staticsymbols.cpp
    Fixed mem overwrite crash in WriteVerticesIndirect, and removed implicit container count limit
    Fix AnimGraph file compatibility with new cvar which indicates AnimDesc objects in ver 63 files.
    Re-enabled USE_SELECTION_PROPERTIES define, as AnimationSelectionProperties required for pre-Crysis2 AnimGraph code.
    Lightbeam Hot Fix
    Fix shader compilation bug
    Fixed: HitDeath Reactionsystem health thresholds were never used
    Fixed: TacticalPointSystem AvoidCircle not working correctly
    Fixed: Display name sometimes not set to an empty string for the Material Picker Tool
    Removed missing files from Editor project
    Added free_container of s_pWaterHitsMGPU to avoid level leak
    Fixed aux geom level leak
    Fixed memory overwrite in terrain serialisation
    Glass depth fog correctly uses refracted depth.
    Instancing-related shader compiler error fixes
    Preset wasn't specified (from now on it uses "Gradient" preset)
    Had no crytif settings: now uses preset=DiffuseLowQ
    Had no crytif settings specified, now it's HDRReflectionsRGBK_high
    Fixing wrong preset used, now it's HDRCubemapRGBK_highQ
    Adds mips to noise texture
    SetMaxWaterDepth and SetMinWaterDepth use the wrong depth value in cm. They multiply the value in meter twice.
    Fixed invalid index buffer sizing on glass fragments.
    Removed redundant draw attempt on glass fragments.
    Removed double offset in DX11 DevBuffer updates.
    Sprites popping in and out.
    Fix juddering sprite quads
    Initialise LOD transition state on vegetation to prevent lots of dissolves when turning
    Cut down on sprite updates due to light info changing
    Sprite/model lighting differences - write more upward normal for sprites to receive more ambient light.
    LOD/dissolving issues - account for instance scale in sprite switch distance
    LOD popping/sprite accuracy - fix editor tool to allow artists to clear rotations on vegetation
    Fixed missing sprites if vegetation lod0 mesh is not streamed in yet
    Default to least detailed LOD for sprite generation - Grass sprite fix with new sprite system.
    Fixing the debug draw of the path with the MNMPathStart and MNMPathEnd tag point. It now correctly checks if the path was found to add the start and end position to the path point.
    Allow path and raycast debug also without MNMDebugLocator and minor code adjustments for the RayCast over the MeshGrid
    Add AlphaBlendShadows in the shader parser for the new beam shader
    Fixed Multi-layer Navigation menu items
    Time Of Day: Time and Speed settings are always saved - after editing and dialog closure
    Some fixes to articulated kinematic objects
    Fixed: ZeroG update ignores global gravity
    Fixes path to new engine assets dir
    X64 relese fixes
    Fixed CullRenderer crash due to uninitialized values
    Fixed error in devirt when providing a path with ends with a path seperator
    Abbreviated SpecFromDiffuse shader param names so that they fit in the material editor without resizing the labels
    Fixed inverted zoom adjustment for particle Max Distances.
    Some fixes to player-player collisions
    Fixed: AI Actors not triggering Area triggers
    MD: Fixed compile issue for MotionBuider plug-ins.
    Fixed UIInput to be usable with controller analog stick as well
    Fixed: Invalid point access in curved editor control
    Safety guard for potential tone mapper updates with incorrect 0..1 mapping
    Shader compilation fixes
    Fix shader compile error
    Couple more compile fixes
    Fixed: Music Graph doesn't invalidate correctly the panels after loading a new graph
    Fix for shadows batching into scene normals alpha channel (when shadows disabled, shadows term was glossiness)
    Don't create shaders which are requested from compressed shaders only
    Fixed documentation of console variable "ai_DebugDrawNavigation"
    Fixed: Possible Crash when removing material effects FG content
    Fixed typo in rope node that was using position as U texture coordinate.
    Removing unexisting old file from DedicatedLauncher and Launcher
    Fixed: Crash on chainloading a level on a Dedicated Server due to not unloading the previous level before changing the game context
    Particle Effect Enable/Disable menu commands now modify library.
    Fixed: Opening/Closing prefab or group didn't update the prefab flowgraph list correctly
    The following shaders/features are removed: metal, custom, rain layer


    Появилась cтраничка игры в фэйсбуке:
  11. dikh

    dikh ^my religion^

    наносьют стал более агресивным)))
  12. Каин

    Каин Crimper

    Похоже опять городские джунгли :moody:
  13. The I

    The I Всеми любимый троллератор

    Такой движок бесплатно отдавать... Снимаю шляпу перед ними.

    Предлагаю сделать игру, эксклюзивную для Некста. Пусть будет шутер с магами и драконами. =)
  14. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Рэмбо-стайл, лук с боеголовками мне нравится :)

    На PS3 тоже будет:
  15. dikh

    dikh ^my religion^

    его можно с сайта скачать, и оказать посилную помощь разрабам)))
  16. Nec

    Nec Well-Known Member

    Пишут, что SDK можно использовать в некоммерческих проектах абсолютно бесплатно. Тем, кто захотят зарабатывать деньги, придется отдать CryTek 20% прибыли от игры, созданной на базе CryEngine 3. Хм, на Википедии еще написан список поддерживаемых платформ, в них уже заявлена поддержка нового поколения консолей: IBM PC-совместимый компьютер, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, будущие консоли восьмого поколения
  17. Каин

    Каин Crimper

    Выйдет уже в 2013 + "скриншотики"
  18. cactuap

    cactuap Все люди твари! Команда форума

    Хых джунгли в городе, не то что хотелось, но хоть что то :)
  19. dimm

    dimm Administrator Команда форума

    Кстати, инфа о том что выйдет третья часть уже проскакивала в прошлом году (даже может здесь она есть в Новостях одной строкой). Но не думал, что это так будет скоро. Крайтек игру на конвейер поставил :) Зато для боксеров будет Last of Us, по крайней мере по сеттингу :) Уже и бокс-арт для игры готов :)
  20. -A-

    -A- Well-Known Member

    Last of US у них был еще во второй части =).